One Trip Around the Sun

Free One Trip Around the Sun by Amy Roe

Book: One Trip Around the Sun by Amy Roe Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Roe
Tags: Romance
Thank you though.”

    Just as Brady has done for the past week, he walks into the cafeteria with two protein shakes. He sits at his table full of jocks and cheerleaders while I sit in the chair directly behind his at a table full of normal kids. We’re not preps, jocks, burnouts, or geeks. We’re just us.
    He scoots his chair back until he is almost sitting next to me. He twists the cap off my shake and hands it to me.
    “Thanks. You don’t have to keep doing this, you know.”
    “Do you want me to stop?” He’s just inches from me, leaning his arm on the back of his seat, as his eyes roam my face.
    “I’m sure they’re expensive,” I say after taking a drink.
    “We get a deal on them at the gym. It’s all good.”
    “Of course.”
    We’re both silent for a few minutes as we drink our shakes and watch our friends interact with each other.
    Finally, Brady looks to me again. “Do you not want to be seen having lunch with me, Reese?”
    “Oh, yeah, that’s it. You’re going to ruin my reputation.” I smile and take the last drink of my shake.
    When I’m finished, he takes the empty bottle out of my hand and leans forward to set it on the table in front of him.
    He looks back at me with a straight face. “Go out with me Saturday night. I mean, will you please go out with me on Saturday?”
    I’m stunned. There is no possible way that Brady freaking Fisher just asked my lame ass out. I look at Chelsea, who has obviously been eavesdropping at least long enough to hear that last question.
    Her eyes are as big as saucers, and she’s nodding her head as she mouths, Yes .
    I look back at him, and I can’t believe what I have to do. Hating myself for what I’m about to say, I hang my head. “I can’t.”
    “Oh, okay. Friday then?” He’s not fazed in the least bit, and in true Brady fashion, he doesn’t give up.
    “I can’t.” I shake my head.
    “Why not? Do you have a boyfriend?”
    “I don’t get it then…unless you don’t like me? But I sure haven’t gotten that impression—at least, not until now.”
    “It’s complicated, Brady.”
    The bell rings, and I bolt as quickly as I can. Thankfully, Brady doesn’t follow me, but Chelsea snatches me up by my arm and drags me into the girls’ restroom.
    “What the hell was that bullshit, Reese?”
    I duck my head, looking into the stalls. Once I confirm that we are alone, I plead my case, “I am not going to go out with him when I have so much bullshit going on right now.”
    “Reese, he could be the guy instead of some guy you don’t know or give a fuck about.”
    “Chelsea, that’s even more fucked up than doing it with someone who I don’t care if I ever see again. I’m going to be honest with you here. I like Brady—a lot.”
    “No shit, Sherlock. And he likes you—a lot. The whole damn school has been talking about it. Now, they’re going to talk about you turning him down.”
    “I have to figure this shit out. It’s almost over, Chels. Just hang in there with me a few more days.” As two giggling cheerleaders walk in, I lower my voice as I whisper, “Please.”
    “I will always have your back, but I think you should go home and think long and hard about what the hell you’re about to do. You’re going to give it up to some guy who you barely know instead of someone who really likes you.”
    “Chelsea, you’re forgetting one important thing. I don’t even know if I have anything to give up.”
    I wrap my arm through hers, and we walk to our next class.
    When I enter the classroom, Brady’s quiet. I hate that I have to push him away. I’m zoned out, wondering if he’ll ask me out again next week. Once my plan is complete and I have answers, I can be all his. I’m distracted when he slides a piece of gum across my desk. He doesn’t look at me, but the look of disappointment on his face is obvious. From his simple gesture though, I know that I still have a chance with him.

In my last period class, I slide

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