Bondage Ranch 5: His Little Treasure

Free Bondage Ranch 5: His Little Treasure by Sindra van Yssel

Book: Bondage Ranch 5: His Little Treasure by Sindra van Yssel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sindra van Yssel
Tags: BDSM Contemporary
    It could never stand in for what she’d done in the past twenty-four hours, and she knew it. Damn him.
    She got her bra and looked over at him, afraid he’d say he couldn’t have that either. But the blouse was too filmy to be worn without one, and in any case, she liked the look of her breasts much better with some support. He just smiled and watched, saying nothing. She put on the blouse next. When she had her arms in it, he crossed the distance to her and started buttoning her up. She smiled at his unexpected tenderness.
    “One more,” she said, when he stopped without quite covering the middle of her bra in the front. “Never mind. I’ll get it.”
    “You’ll do no such thing,” he said.
    How was she going to argue with him? She wanted the button closed, but he didn’t look like he was going to brook any dissent. It wasn’t worth saying a safe word over. Maybe.
    He took her left hand in his left and wrapped his right arm behind her waist, steering her to the door. I don’t have any choice, really . The thought was surprisingly comforting. It was, after all, a nice bra, and if she could show off her underwear anywhere, it was at Bondage Ranch.

Chapter Four
    Diego felt good. Emma looked fine on his arm. He took a sidelong peek and admired her cleavage but ended up looking at her face. Tender, innocent. He’d have to be careful with her. I have to take care of her. She might be special.
    He tried to shrug off the thought. All women are special . He believed that. Emma just seemed extra vulnerable somehow. He wanted to protect her. Most of all, he wanted to make her brave.
    He saw Sue in the hallway. He always saw the domme dressed in fetish apparel, with full makeup, so for a moment, he didn’t recognize her wrapped in a towel, with another towel bunched over her head. But when she swore, her voice was recognizable, even if they weren’t the usual words he heard her say. She tugged at the doorknob and sighed.
    As much as he wanted to get Emma some food, he couldn’t just walk past. “What’s up, Sue?” Emma stopped with him.
    Sue turned. “That’s Mi— Never mind. Hi, Emma. I just forgot my key, that’s all, and I pushed the lock button to keep my stuff safe. I’ll go ask Alex to let me in. It’s just a wee bit embarrassing is all. I’m not dressed for the living room.”
    He knew Sue cared a lot about keeping up appearances. He didn’t think she needed to. He was quite sure she could find subs who’d adore her with or without all the leather and vinyl. And if they didn’t, what was the point? But he could and would help, anyway. “Your key is in your room?”
    “Do you mind a detour, Emma? I have a set of lockpicks in my truck, and I think I could get Sue’s door open for her without making her go bother Alex.”
    Emma smiled. “Sue can hide out in my room while you do that.”
    “Oh, thank you so much!” said Sue.
    Good. Diego watched the two women go back into Emma’s room. He headed for the exit. One of the things about introverts he knew from personal experience was that life was much easier once they knew people, and he got the impression Emma didn’t know hardly anyone at Bondage Ranch. This was a good opportunity for her, a social situation more awkward for Sue than it was for Emma. With someone to take care of, it was likely Emma could put her shyness aside for a while. Sue knew a lot of people and could find the right contacts for Emma.
    He walked through the Allisons’ living room, waving to people. There were a half-dozen kinksters there, but no Dylan or Alex. That was a shame because asking the Allisons for a spare key would be easier than trying to pick the lock, and if he asked, there wouldn’t be any embarrassment to Sue. He should have thought of that first, but he’d wanted to show off in front of Emma.
    She’s not going to be that impressed that you can unlock doors, anyway . Locksmith, handyman—useful skills and a decent living, but chicks

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