Love Me With Fury

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Book: Love Me With Fury by Janelle Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janelle Taylor
to seize her wrists or to avoid the stunning impact. A groan of pain escaped his lips as instant blackness claimed him, carrying him to an empty void.
    In her panic at discovery by those dark sapphire eyes, Alex had struck him harder than intended. The heavy thud of the rock against his skull tormented her gentle nature. The sight of his crimson blood which steadily flowed into his sable hair nearly caused her to faint. She hurriedly cast the offensive stone aside and splashed cool water upon her ashen face to clear her head and to hopefully control her churning stomach. Violence was new to her.
    She stared at the motionless man, witnessing the green grass as it grew red and wet beneath his dark head. Had she killed him? Was his crime against her worthy of such a fatal punishment? Her wide eyes riveted to his chest. She exhaled loudly in relief; he was still breathing. She hastily left the water and nervously pulled on her clothes, ignoring the water which made them cling to her trembling body.
    Just as she was about to flee, Alex couldn’t help but glance back at him. Some mystical, overpowering force tugged at her tender heart as she eyed him. He had not moved. He was bleeding badly. What to do…
    She timidly edged her way over to his prone body. She wondered if he would be all right. He suddenly appeared so vulnerable, eliciting her guilt. She instantly scolded herself for her inexplicable and ridiculous concern for him. Still, her heart demanded that she do something for him. Spying his white linen shirt, she picked it up and tore a long strip from its tail, piqued by the wealth and station to which his rich garments attested. She knelt by the water and dipped the makeshift bandage into the pond. Shehesitantly turned to him, praying her action would not awaken him.
    She sat upon the ground and struggled to bind his wound. Completing this generous task, her eyes helplessly slipped over the full length of his virile physique. She flushed in modesty; yet, she boldly scanned him from raven-black head to bare feet. His body was lean and hard; his muscles were smooth and flexible. His brute strength and leashed power permeated her senses. She was astonished to find herself admiring his manly frame rather than being repulsed by her first view of a nude male.
    To be honest, he was magnificent; he was undeniably perfect in all but manners. Her hand tested the vitality of his sable hair, relishing the sleek fullness of it. From the dark mat upon his chest, she playfully curled wisps of shiny hair around her fingers. She lifted his right hand to study the fingers which had the ability to incite such pleasure and to bring such delight to her once pure body.
    Despite her daring perusal, she defensively withdrew her bold gaze from the lower portion of his stalwart frame, that secret area which had stormed her womanhood and rashly rewarded it with both pleasure and pain, that provocative area which even now sent shivers of forbidden and strange yearnings over her. Her gaze lingered upon his face, visually tracing and memorizing every inch of the handsome features emblazoned there. She ran a quivering finger over his sensual lips, then, for some unknown reason, placed a fleeting kiss upon them.
    Her fingers moved over his clean-shaven, strong jawline and toyed with his cleft chin. She captured his head between her trembling hands and positioned it to gain a better look at him. Why did he have to be so devastatingly attractive and so utterly irresistible? The Fates had certainly smiled generously upon this valiant creature! Her hands travelled down his neck, aware of the strength represented there. Unable to stop herself, she ventured over his broad shoulders and leisurely migrated down his brawny arms. A strange sadness plagued her.
    She softly whispered, “Why must you be such a villain, Stephen? If only we had met under different circumstances, for no man has ever made my heart and body sing this dangerous melody. If father would

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