Love Me With Fury

Free Love Me With Fury by Janelle Taylor

Book: Love Me With Fury by Janelle Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janelle Taylor
his bare chest near his heart. He vowed, “I swear it upon my life and honor. Stay a while to talk, then I’ll see you safely home.”
    She bit her tongue to hold back her stinging insults about that proclaimed honor and safety, He unexpectedly rolled aside, exposing her nakedness with its sheen of perspiration to the brilliant sun and to his igneous blue eyes which instantly scorched her flesh with their sweltering heat.
    Mortified, she hastily flipped into the protective covering of the water. Annoyed by his chuckles ofamusement, she placed her slender back to him. She then sought to remove the accusing traces of his prior lovemaking without the aid of soap and a soft cloth. By now, her mind was ensnared in a more distressing and violent maelstrom than when she had arrived in her now tarnished paradise.
    Never had she been so ashamed in her entire life. A total stranger had ravished her, viewed her naked, and was presently humorously watching her bathe! Those transgressions were unforgivable; yet, there was an even greater offense leveled against him: he had persuaded her to let him seduce her! She scolded her traitorous body which had made his vile deed so easy for him. She raged at the wanton emotions which she had experienced for the first time ever. How dare this man teach her such intimate things! How dare her body actually enjoy them…
    She recklessly turned around and glared at him. The heat and force of his still smoldering gaze unnerved her, provoked her. “Stop staring at me!” she shouted at him. “Haven’t you shamed me enough already! Must you embarrass me further? Damn you, Stephen! If you cannot turn around, at least close your eyes!” she commanded, unintentionally revealing his power over her. Her arms were crossed over her chest as she vainly tried to conceal her breasts from his leering gaze.
    Her cries of protest and outrage simply drew lusty laughter from him. He observed the way she attempted to shield her bosom from his intense stare with those small, ineffective hands. He enviously watched thesky-blue water as it played around her slender waist and lapped at her silky flesh. At his piercing scrutiny of her, she fused that lovely shade of crimson. “You are far too modest, my lovely Angelique. Where is that plucky, venturous streak which caused you to brazenly discard your clothes and to lie naked in the warm sunlight?” he teased cheerfully. What a stunning, fascinating combination of fire and ice, of passion and promise all wrapped up in the same beautiful package!
    “I was alone then! And I told you I’ve never done this before. It was a stupid impulse. I was angry and upset. Just because you have no morals or conscience doesn’t mean I do not!” she indignantly snapped, vexed by his noticeable indifference to her humiliation and anguish.
    He grinned, thoroughly enjoying this stimulating duel of wills. So, she did have spunk and mettle after all. “Do I make you nervous and shy, Angel? Or do you merely feel threatened by my unchivalrous revelation of that fiery, passionate soul of yours? Are you afraid of my great prowess and power over you? Most women would give their right arms to experience what you just did,” he arrogantly boasted.
    “Oh-h-h! Well, I’m not most women! In fact, I’m not your type at all! I wouldn’t give a pence for anything you have to offer! Besides, you cannot take credit for Mother Nature; you did tell me such feelings and responses were as old as time itself! But since I know nothing of such intimate situations, I cannot be blamed for falling prey to your cunning seduction!”
    “So you do find me and our encounter delightful,” he teased.
    “You overrate yourself, sir! I found neither enjoyable!” she blurted out, her guilty expression belying her denials. What good did protests and taunts make? The conceited knave! She would like nothing better than to claw that mocking smile off his laughing face.
    Cautioning herself to patience and wisdom, she

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