Divinity: The Gathering: Book One

Free Divinity: The Gathering: Book One by Susan Reid

Book: Divinity: The Gathering: Book One by Susan Reid Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Reid
around and splayed my wings to their full extension. It was a d efiant gesture to remind him just how grand they were and how many pure snowy feathers still remained among them.
    Though mine were a bit wider in span, they had been ruined with symbolic black marks of condemn ation and were no longer the complete, blessed, shimmering white plumage as his was. I was jealous, but I suppressed it.
    “You summoned me. Why would I have lied to you about my dwelling?” I replied with bitter irritation. He gave a tight smile, “We could have met anywhere, and being where it lies and how reclusive you are, makes it quite obvious, but I do appreciate the exte nsion of regard by inviting me here. Don’t you think it might be better to meet inside though?” He then asked with a flicker of his eyes towards the looming, dark dominion in the far-distant horizon.
    In my annoyance of him, my eyes began to glow, and I returned the fake smile, “Are you sure you want to risk it? Once inside, there may be no way out.” I grinned. “I’m merely suggesting that it may be wise for the obvious reasons? Even though you are kin, do you really want him to know we are mee ting?” Drakael then asked with a nod towards Morning Star’s dominion in the far distance. I gave him a wry look of impatience, “Don’t flatter yourself Drakael, neither of you are a threat to me. I’ve already cleared the area beforehand so be honored you were even invited here at all. He and I are only kin by title; nothing more, so choose your words wisely.” I spat.
    He nodded, “Noted. I didn’t realize how sens itive you were. You’ve always had a sarcastic sense of humor; no doubt you’ve definitely been around humans for many millennia and most recently. You reek of their imperfect flesh.” He said shaking his head.
    I glowered and watched him, and he made no casual moves to get comfortable or sit; not that I offered him to anyway. He had always kept his distance as if by mere proximity, past conversation— he would taint himself.
    “And you reek of arrogance, which if I’m not mista ken— is also considered an imperfection. Humans aren’t the bad ones after all and remain my preference as opposed the present company here.” I replied giving him a contemptuous glare.
    I watched as his glowing pure white eyes then glazed over my wings with a look of rebuke. “I forget what you are at times. Your ounce of light is a lot stronger than I thought, but you are still a known throughout this realm as a demon, so there is no point in casting insults.” He then said smugly with a grin.
    I narrowed my eyes at him, “You walk a f ine line yourself Drakael so be careful. You may just find out how easy it is to fall one day soon. What was I summoned for this time or should I guess?” I then asked.
    His grin faded and this time I smiled.
    He began to pace, keeping a wide berth between us as he did, “Curious as to a few recent events and actions on your part are all actually. Affirmation for you to know that we are aware of who it is you seem to favor now that you’ve realized she still lives. However, I guess I don’t need to remind you that she as well as the other two near the same city are about to die soon as well. I am simply reminding you of the rules since you seem to be misbehaving and circumventing them as it is. She is not yours to claim, have or save no matter what you do.” He stated.
    I felt my face tighten as I clenched my teeth in anger. So this was penance of some sort, which irked me since Morning Star always got to do whatever the hell he wanted without price or direct penalty. There was a pang of pain in my soul simply hearing those words though— ‘She was going to die soon’. I already knew that.
    Her death would not be by natural causes, but I still did not want her to have to go through it even if it meant that she would be here in the spirit realm and become of immortal flesh, permanently. As a divine warrior, we would become

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