Disillusion Meets Delight

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Book: Disillusion Meets Delight by Leah Battaglio Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leah Battaglio
mother asks with glee.
    “Caroline, he is an absolute catch.  He is a real estate mogul here in the city.  He is only 32 but he makes a fortune and has nothing but more potential.  We always knew Mallory would find herself a Forbes man. It is destiny really isn’t it?”  Jan replies.
    What is remarkable is how silent Mallory is throughout this whole conversation.  It is as if her mother has put together the arrangement and Mallory either had little to say or care. 
    “Mallory, what is his name?”  I ask, trying to get her to say something because at this point, I am wondering if she is actually mute. 
    “His name is Robert Alexander.”  Mallory replies as I choke on my bite of crepe.
     “I met him through a friend of the family about a year ago.  It was love at first sight.  We don’t get to see each other as frequently as I would like though.  He is very busy with work.”  Mallory speaks softly and I am simply trying to keep my composure as I realize that the name Robert Alexander seems terribly familiar.  Is it coincidence or is Mallory Wellington engaged to Jenna’s boyfriend?  This cannot be happening.   
    “Now, Natalie, do we see any prospects of a beau in your future?  You aren’t getting any younger you know.  Now is the time to be finding that man.  Once you have hit 30, your chances of finding anything worthwhile is slim to none.”  Where does this woman get her ideas?  First of all, I am not 30 and she has no right to say anything about my life.  Her daughter is engaged to a slime ball! 
    “Actually, Jan…”  I begin to reply with a sharp tongue when my mother cuts me off at the pass.
    “Of course she has met someone Jan!  Do you think that a daughter of mine would become a spinster?”  My mother responds with a haughty laugh and a nudge under the table.
    “Well, she hasn’t said two words about him the whole morning so I assumed she was still alone!  Tell us more about this mystery man.”  Jan replies as I take a big gulp of champagne.
    “Oh we won’t bore you with details.  After all, this is Mallory’s announcement day.  We will just say that he is an absolute dear and treats Natalie to all of the luxuries a lady should have.”  My mother says, completely natural as though she has known my fake boyfriend for years. 
    “Very well, Caroline.  I presume he will be coming to Mallory’s wedding and we can get to know him then.  Oh, what am I thinking?  They can come to the engagement party!  How silly of me.  It’s not this coming Saturday, but the one after.  It’s the 16 th to be precise.  We are having it at our home, so it will be intimate, only about seventy five attendees.  Well, Mallory, are you ready to go?  We have a lot of errands to run.  Come, let’s go.  Caroline, I assume you have the invitation still.  You can give Natalie the specifics.” As they leave, I realize that Mallory Wellington is the most boring person I have ever met.  Although, when your mother makes all of your decisions and doesn’t let you get a word in, I suppose it leaves little room for character development.  Of course, it could be worse.  She could have a mother that makes fictitious boyfriends up and brags to her friends.
    “Mother, how could you?  Are you embarrassed of me?  Would you rather I become a doormat like Mallory Wellington and have a creepy jerk of a man?”  I ask exasperated.  This was a brunch that I would never have been prepared for. 
    “Darling, what was I supposed to do?  Jan was acting so high and mighty, I had to shut her up somehow.  Don’t worry, we will figure something out.  You never know darling, perhaps you will find the man of your dreams and all of this will turn out to be a prophecy instead of a fabrication.”  My mother is either the biggest optimist or she is in complete and utter denial.
    “In less than two weeks, mother, are you completely off your

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