Two Bears For Christmas

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Book: Two Bears For Christmas by Tianna Xander Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tianna Xander
Tags: Paranormal, Magic, holiday, Erotic Romance, menage, shapeshifter
falling about her shoulders when they burst into the room. It had been in what his sister called a loose French twist when she’d left the bar.
    Tears streamed down her beautiful face as she looked up at him with those eyes as green as spring highland grass, filled with pain. She had started to slide down the wall when he caught the slip of girl in his arms and carried her from the room. His jacket fell open, exposing her lace-covered breast. He drew her close, attempting to hide the creamy skin from others as he carried her out to their truck.
    Cold wind tugged at his jacket and her rosy nipples pebbled beneath the thin lace. Shifting her weight, he reached into his pocket and pressed the unlock button on the key to their truck.
    Opening the door, he deposited her on the front seat and slid in next to her. Reaching over, he pressed the ignition and started the vehicle. He had the keys in his pocket, as did Ewan. It was times like these that he loved the new systems that didn’t require inserting a key to start the damned things.
    Ewan opened the door, a grin on his face. “The ass is unconscious in the bathroom. He won’t be accosting any more young women this night.”
    “Good. I wanted nothing better than tae kill the bastard for what he has done.”
    “I know, old friend. I feel the same.” Ewan rested his hands on the steering wheel and stared out through the windshield for a moment. “What do we do? We don’t even know her name.”
    “Didn’t she have a bag?” Roddy asked as he frowned down at the wee thing next to him. Something about her scent nearly drove him to his knees when he’d walked into the establishment. Could she be his mate—their mate?
    “If she did, she didn’t take it tae the loo with her.”
    “Do ye think she’s our mate?” Just asking Ewan the question out loud made his insides clench. Every breath he took drew more of her scent in. Every beat of his heart sent heated blood flowing through his veins, straight to his cock.
    He rolled down the window and took a deep breath of the frigid night air. He had to do something to get her scent out of his system. It just wouldn’t do to have her awaken to two men who wanted her just as much as that bastard who’d tried to rape her next to a dirty toilet.
    Opening the door, he slid out and leaned back in. “I’m going tae go and see if the lady had a purse. If she did, I’ll bring it out with me.” He didn’t add that they could go through it then and find out where the woman lived. Besides, it would be nice to know the name of the woman he intended to fuck as soon as possible.
    “Hurry up, will ye?” Ewan fidgeted and readjusted himself. “I don’t know how long I can manage tae keep my hands off the poor lass. The last thing she needs is tae wake up with the likes of me pawing her. Ye know it could happen.”
    Roddy knew that all too well. It was a well-known fact that their kind could and did tend to claim mates against their will if left alone too long. None of them wanted to turn into such monsters, but it had happened in the past.
    Every shifter male worth a damn feared forcing his mate more than he feared anything else. None of their kind wanted to be named a rogue and be hunted. That it usually happened in pairs was even more frightening. They could hurt many before a group finally managed to put them down—especially when they were this far from home and their clan.
    “Maybe we’ll be lucky and the lass will like us.”
    Ewan snorted. “Like isn’t the word I’ll be hoping for, ye daft bastard. I’ll be hoping for the lass’s love and passion.”
    “I’ll be right back.” Roddy shut the door when he saw the lass shiver. He didn’t need the wee lass catching cold, either. He wanted her healthy when she accepted them. He needed her healthy because he planned to have her again and again.
    Roddy entered the bar just as he saw the door to the disabled restroom open a crack. He walked to the door, an evil grin on

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