My Lord Immortality

Free My Lord Immortality by Alexandra Ivy

Book: My Lord Immortality by Alexandra Ivy Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexandra Ivy
believe so for a moment.” Mr. Ramone pressed a hand to his heart, as if to show his sincerity, but once again she was aware of the cold hardness of his gaze. “Indeed, I have done my best to put a firm halt to such unpleasant speculations.”
    â€œI . . . thank you,” she forced herself to mutter.
    He took a step closer, ignoring the cat, which continued to hiss at him in warning. Just for a moment, that remorseless gaze seemed to flick down to the amulet that hung about her neck, but it lifted so quickly it was impossible to be certain.
    â€œHowever, it does not improve matters to have a Bow Street runner asking questions about your brother. It encourages others to consider him guilty, whether he is or not.”
    Amelia’s lips thinned. Did he think she was ignorant? Of course she realized Mr. Ryan’s blatant interest in William was bound to cause trouble. Unfortunately, she had yet to be put in charge of Bow Street.
    â€œThere is little I can do to stop Mr. Ryan from asking questions,” she retorted with a decided snap.
    The carved features hardened briefly in a dangerous fashion before he was visibly sheathing his emotions behind a mask of seeming compassion.
    A compassion that made her as uneasy as any display of anger.
    â€œI did not mean to upset you, Miss Hadwell,” he said in oily-smooth tones. “I only speak of William’s troubles out of concern. I wish you to know that if you ever have need, you may depend upon me.”
    â€œThat is very kind, but unnecessary, I assure you.”
    That cruel hardness returned to his expression at her firm words. His smile, however, never faltered.
    â€œWithout modesty, I assure you that I can offer you whatever protection you need.”
    The chill in the air deepened abruptly and Amelia unconsciously licked her dry lips. She wanted to be away from this man, she suddenly realized. As far away as possible.
    â€œI must return home.”
    The false smile disappeared abruptly. Amelia tensed, not at all certain the man would willingly allow her to simply walk away. His gaze once again strayed toward the amulet that glowed softly in the moonlight. He stiffly offered her a bow.
    â€œOf course. It is very late.” He straightened, the thin face appearing almost skeleton-like in the shadows. “You will recall my offer, I trust?”
    Dipping a hurried curtsy, Amelia turned away, more relieved than she cared to admit at the thought of being away from Mr. Ramone. But even as she was nearing the safety of her home, Amelia suddenly halted.
    There was a smell in the air. Cold steel, and something rather foul. A frown pulled at her brows. What was that odor? And why did she sense that she had smelled it before?
    Oddly, it seemed vitally important that she remember.
    â€œIs something the matter?”
    Amelia jumped as she realized she was foolishly lingering in the dark street when she should be hurrying home with all speed.
    â€œNo. Good night.”
    Not allowing herself the opportunity to be distracted again, Amelia hurriedly crossed the street and entered the blessed familiarity of her garden.
    Sebastian had been right, she admitted ruefully.
    She had been a fool to roam the streets at this hour. Even if it had been to ensure the safety of William. Only sheer luck had kept her from being harmed.
    A luck that was destined to fail her eventually.

Chapter 5
    Sebastian knew the moment Amelia left the protection of her home. Just for a moment, he froze in disbelief; then, tossing aside the large book he had been futilely attempting to study, he swept across the library and down the stairs.
    Bloody hell. He would throttle her, he silently cursed as he charged through the house and out the back door. Although she had boldly claimed she would go in search of the killer who stalked the streets, he had not thought she would be so foolish. Well, at least not foolish enough to begin any such search during the middle

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