Forever Home (Sawtooth Shifters, #1)
I gave myself completely over to this orgasm, letting the lightning bolts shoot through my body as Shadow fucked me. He kissed me to keep me quiet, absorbing my energy back into his body, and letting it spur his own climax.
    He pulled out of me before he came. I wrapped my fingers around his pulsing shaft, moving them up and down in time to the frantic beat of my heart. He was already slick from being inside me, and as I lowered my mouth down to his tip, he came completely undone.
    We lay in a heap, tangled in the ruined bed, for a long time before either of us was able to say anything. Our breath slowed from a pant back to normal. Neither of us could keep our hands off each other. In the past, this was always the hardest part for me. The honesty, being totally exposed. But tonight, for the first time in a long time, I felt good. Strong, confident, deserving, and most of all, beautiful.
    “Thank you.” I kissed him on the lips softly. Shadow raised an eyebrow, but his lids were so heavy. Sleep was seconds away from claiming both of us. “You saved me tonight.”

Rescue Me—Chapter One
    T rina
    This was going to be awkward.
    My truck was full of men who’d been wolves when my assistants, Kiera and Lyssie, left Forever Home Animal Shelter last night. We’d rescued them two weeks ago from a dog fighting ring and had no idea at the time that they were wolves. With the full moon, the wolves shifted into men like they’d jumped out of a birthday cake.
    The girls waited for me in the parking lot in the soft fuzz of daybreak. Kiera looked up from the travel mug she never put down in the morning. She should’ve just opted for an IV coffee drip. Her eyes almost fell out of her head when she saw our animal wagon rambling down the dirt driveway. I’d left my beat down pickup truck in the parking lot last night. Given the all the trouble we’d been having at the shelter lately, they were definitely freaking out that I wasn’t there with it.
    “Trina, are you okay?” Lyssie asked, both girls making a beeline to the truck when I parked. “We were just about to call the police. I mean, you’re truck is here, and you weren’t, and the door was locked. Kiera thought maybe you took the wo rk truck to get gas or something, but if you were late, we knew something was wrong.”
    Good thing I was never late.
    Major Lowe snorted in the back of the truck, but the girls hadn’t seen him yet. Playing nice wasn’t his thing, and that’s what I’d asked him to do this morning. I didn’t know him in human form yet, but I’d watched him a lot as a wolf. He was going to think I owed him, even after all I’d done for him.
    He’d have to get over it. I’d never been interested in pissing contests.
    “Yeah. Everything’s fine.” I slid out of the truck, pushing the seat forward so the rest of my passengers could get out. Major and his brother Xavier followed, much to the girls’ open-mouthed shock. They plastered themselves against the dented body of my truck as Shadow, Baron, and Dallas Channing loaded out of the passenger’s side.
    “Wh-What’s going on?” Kiera managed. I didn’t just take care of animals, I helped people get to where they were supposed to be, too. Kiera and Lyssie were with me as part of their rehab from CAST, the Center of Anxiety and Stress Therapy. My therapists had asked me to try working as a volunteer in an animal shelter when I didn’t respond to their treatment, knowing that animals could do something that people couldn’t. It worked, and I opened Forever Home in Granger Falls, Idaho, a town that was sorely lacking many things, including a safe place for animals to find their people. CAST hoped the animals could help Kiera and Lyssie the way they helped me.
    Until last night, I had a much easier time connecting with animals than people. Shadow Channing unlocked a part of me I’d been terrified to face.
    “These are the dogs we rescued from the fight,” I said. “Kiera and Lyssie,

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