Diamonds Aren't Forever

Free Diamonds Aren't Forever by Betty Sullivan La Pierre

Book: Diamonds Aren't Forever by Betty Sullivan La Pierre Read Free Book Online
Authors: Betty Sullivan La Pierre
Hopkins.” Hawkman turned at the next corner and circled the block. “Let's see where he's headed."
    While stopped at the light, they watched Hopkins’ old car slowly make its way across the intersection. Hawkman made sure several cars drifted between him and the clunker before he followed the man to a seedy hotel on the outskirts of the older part of town.
    Williams pointed at a parking lot across the street. “Pull in there, and let's see what he does."
    When Carl climbed out of the car and strolled toward the front door of the building, Williams let out a gasp. “Good Lord, that can't be the same man we arrested. He's aged a hundred years."
    "Don't let all the hair fool you. It's the same man,” Hawkman said.
    Carl Hopkins disappeared into the building and didn't exit.
    After several minutes, the detective said, “No sense in sitting here any longer. At least we know where he's staying. If need be, I can obtain a warrant to check his room. Of course, right now we have nothing on him to justify a legal search."
    Hawkman smiled at the word ‘legal’ and drove out of the lot. “Wonder where he's working? He has to be getting money from somewhere to pay for the rent and buy that car. I know the rooms are cheap, but he still has to pay the bill."
    Williams waved a hand in the air. “There are plenty of jobs around, if a guy doesn't mind getting dirty.” Then he glanced at Hawkman and winked. “Why don't you follow him and find out. Still like to know if he has a gun."
    A smile curled the corners of Hawkman's lips. “I just might do that."
    Hawkman dropped Williams at the police station, then drove back to the hotel. The Toyota hadn't moved from the parking spot. Hawkman figured if Hopkins had a job, it must be at night. It might take a little doing, but he could search the local bars and look for that car. It certainly stood out. He decided to return to the office and finish some work while waiting for the sunset.
    When he'd settled at his desk, he noticed the message light blinking, but called Jennifer first to let her know he'd be late and not to wait up. Then he punched on the answering machine.
    "Hawkman, Curly here. Call me as soon as you can."
    He flipped his Rolodex open to Curly's Bar and punched in the number.
    "Hey, Curly. Hawkman here. What's with the urgent call?"
    "Hold on a second. Let me go to my office."
    Within a few moments, Curly came on the line. “Needed a little privacy."
    "So what's the problem?"
    "You know that guy, Carl Hopkins."
    "He came by the bar again, but this time he wanted a job."
    "I'm listening."
    "I decided to hire him. You know why?"
    "I haven't the vaguest idea."
    "Help you keep track of him."
    Hawkman chuckled. “Curly, you're a genius. So what have you got in mind for the vagrant?"
    "He'll do cleanup work in the evening, and in the meantime I'll train him to help wait tables. He's got a mean look. Don't think anyone will mess with him."
    "Sounds good. When does he start?"
    "Tonight at six, so I can show him the ropes. If he turns out reliable, I'll train him for other positions real soon."
    "Thanks for letting me know."
    "Thought you might be interested."
    After hanging up, Hawkman checked the time. Hopkins should be leaving for his new job in another thirty minutes. Little did Curly realize how much he'd helped.
    Reaching into the desk drawer, Hawkman slipped the lock picks into his pocket.

    Hawkman chewed on a toothpick as he stared out the window, and drummed his fingers on the sill. He wanted to give Hopkins plenty of time to leave before he approached the hotel. Time moved slowly when you were in a hurry. After a few minutes, he crossed to the desk, closed the file he'd been working on and slid it into a side drawer, then shut the window and locked the door.
    When he arrived at the old inn, he circled the parking area. He didn't see Hopkin's car, so figured he'd left. Hawkman pulled across the street into the lot where he and Williams had

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