Alex Anderson The Last Son of Zeus

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Book: Alex Anderson The Last Son of Zeus by Sevan Paris Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sevan Paris

    Alex Anderson stared at his cheeseburger, willing it to turn into something else.
    Bos plopped his tray down beside Alex. "Where've you been for three days?"
    "Home. I needed a while to figure stuff out."
    "You even go to the funeral?"
    " No, I didn't." Alex dreaded seeing Fiona now.
    "She'll be alright. So what's the what with Zeus?"
    Alex took a bite of hamburger. "My father is a bona fide god, Bos. Which apparently makes me a demigod. "
    Bos bit into his pizza. "Sweet. Totally sweet."
    Alex swallowed. "But, wait a minute, Bos. You can't tell anybody, and I mean anybody about this. You understand? Not only will they not believe you and think you're a freak. But who knows what Z will do?"
    "What Z… Did that asshole threaten you?"
    "No, but I-- I just want to play it safe. You know. I mean who knows what could happen. The guy isn't all there"
    "Play it safe. Gotcha'. Safe. Hey no problem. I'm the king of safe. You wanna play it safe. We'll play it safe. I got no problemo with that."
    Fiona sat her tray next to Bos's and took a seat.
    "Hey, Fiona, guess what. Alex is a superhero. His momma's baby daddy just said so."
    "Bos, what the hell?" A chunk of hamburger flew out of Alex's mouth and stuck on Bos's bowler.
    Mr. Tuddlemeyer , the cafeteria monitor looked their way. The man would not abide outbursts of any type, especially those of a profane type. Alex looked at his hamburger.
    "Hey, Alex I'm sorry. Okay? I'm sorry, but Fiona's our bud. She has to know. You can't keep something like this a secret from her. Besides, who is she gonna tell? It's not like she has any friends."
    Fiona put a french-fry in her mouth. "Hello? Am I not sitting right here?"
    "Fiona, you know I love you, but you're a freak."
    "I have no problem with that." She leaned forward. "So, what's goin ' on?"
    Bos's leg bounced.
    Alex played with a french-fry in ketchup. "First off, I'm sorry about missing--"
    "Forget about it. It's done, and I do not want to talk about it."
    "Okay, well, after the field trip, I, uh--"
    Bos bit his thumbnail and rocked back and forth in his chair.
    "I found out, when I got home...I found out…"
    Bos slammed his palm on the table, causing another glance from Tuddlemeyer . "Alex is the son of Zeus. That's cool right? Isn't that totally cool? He has superpowers and everything!"
    Fiona stared at both of them and swallowed her fry. She slurped some coke through a straw, threw the rest of her lunch in the trash and left the cafeteria.
    "What-the-what?" Bos said.
    ~ * ~
    Both of them caught up with Fiona next to the teachers' parking lot. She walked fast, arms crossed.
    "Alex ran in front of her. Hey, Fiona, look, I know it sounds, crazy, but it's the honest to God truth. Greek gods are real and my father is one of them."
    "Stop following me," Fiona said.
    "Alright, look..." Alex grabbed her elbows. She gave him a dangerous look. "What if I could prove it to you?"
    Fiona sighed and sat on the curb.
    "What? So that's a yes, right?"
    She remained silent.
    "Alright," Alex held up a finger, "watch this."
    Bos smiled. "Watch-- watch !" He stepped close to Alex. " What'ere you gonna do?"
    Alex pointed to the curb beside Bos. "Just wait right here."
    Ever since that night, there had been things Alex wanted to try. Bos was right, he did have superpowers, but he didn't know how many or what kind. The only way to find out was to try stuff. He wanted to try shooting lightning from his hands. He wanted to try jumping off a tall building. He wanted to try stopping a train. So far, he only had the balls to try the lightning and that was zip. Being out here in the parking lot reminded him of one other thing he wanted to try though.
    Alex walked to a Crown Victoria and picked it up.
    Bos laughed then clapped his hands.

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