The Book of Wonders

Free The Book of Wonders by Jasmine Richards

Book: The Book of Wonders by Jasmine Richards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jasmine Richards
was still lodged in the Triumph’s hull, and Zardi hoped Assam had enough wits about him to keep it. Selling the lifeboat would go some way toward covering his losses. Assam must have felt her eyes on him, because at that moment he looked up and stared at her, his face deformed with rage and blame. She quickly looked down at her feet.
    Rhidan pulled himself up onto the riverbank. His violet eyes were bright with anticipation, and Zardi found herself clenching her hands. Does he really think Sinbad is going to tell him anything about the Black Isle? He’s supposed to be the smart one. Can’t he see that we’re probably being led to our deaths?
    Two pirates marched Zardi and Rhidan inland, through a cluster of date palms and along the path set by Sinbad and his men.
    â€œZardi,” Rhidan whispered.
    She ignored him. She didn’t want to deal with his misguided excitement right now.
    â€œAre you angry with me?” he asked. “Come on—I had to say we’d go with Sinbad. It wasn’t exactly a request.”
    She grudgingly conceded that point in her head but still didn’t say anything.
    â€œWhat happened to the Triumph is awful,” Rhidan went on, “but I’m sure Assam will be able to fix it.”
    He fell silent, but she could tell he had more to say. It took all of twenty seconds for Rhidan to crack.
    â€œWe found him. Can you believe it?”
    Zardi’s anger boiled over. “Ah yes, your precious Sinbad.” She glared at him. “He’s a pirate. For all you know he’s taking us somewhere to be killed.”
    Rhidan flinched.
    â€œWe guessed Sinbad’s true identity.” She emphasized each of the words, enjoying the look of horror that now painted her friend’s face. “We’re a threat.”
    â€œWell, perhaps he can be reasoned with?” Rhidan babbled. “Maybe he’ll still tell us where the Varish warriors are or where we can find the Black Isle. Perhaps…” He trailed off, his face suddenly crumpling. “Oh, Zee, when did I become such a numbskull? What are we going to do?”
    Zardi shook her head, suddenly feeling mean. Now her friend was just as scared as she was. “You’re not the numbskull, Rhidan. I should have never let on I recognized him or revealed my identity.” She rubbed at her eyes. “He was just being so arrogant—”
    Rhidan reached for her hand. “It’s all right. We’ll think of a way to get out of this.”
    â€œLess talking, more walking,” a pirate said, pushing them forward. Zardi’s gaze was pulled to their guard’s curved dagger. There was no arguing with it.
    They continued to walk inland. Away from the river the air was oppressively humid and birds screamed from the treetops as if protesting at the heat. At an ancient-looking olive tree with a gnarled and twisted trunk they turned sharply to the right and headed for the banks of the Tigress again. Looking ahead at the river, Zardi could see that the stretch of marsh had ended, and she spotted the Falcon , with its distinctive multicolored sails, moored by the riverbank.
    Zardi had forgotten how big the Falcon was. It was at least six times the size of the Triumph and had a high cabin in the back with five windows and a poop deck. The ship was manned by several crewmen dressed in simple white sailor garb, busy preparing the Falcon to sail.
    As they got closer the ship’s landing planks went down and the pirates bounded onboard, throwing the bundles of loot they had seized to their friends. Nadeem was hoisted onto the shoulders of a sailor with nutmeg-colored hair, and the crew began to cheer and congratulate him on a good job. Zardi’s eyes met Nadeem’s and he smirked.
    Following Assam’s cargo onboard, Rhidan and Zardi watched miserably as it was safely stowed belowdecks. A new guard, one who must have been left out of the raid, as he was dressed in white,

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