Last Light

Free Last Light by Terri Blackstock

Book: Last Light by Terri Blackstock Read Free Book Online
Authors: Terri Blackstock
Tags: Retail
loneliness seemed even more stark.
    Eloise had lost more weight in the last few weeks, and her skin looked paper-thin. “Has anyone been in touch with the power company?” she asked.
    Kay just looked at her, wondering if she was unaware of the extent of the problem. “Uh . . . no. The phones don’t work. Even the cars are dead.”
    Eloise stared at her for a moment. “So that’s why my car didn’t start. I thought I must have a problem with my battery. And the water . . . It’s out, too. I know I paid my water bill.”
    “I’m afraid no one has water, Eloise. Crazy, isn’t it?”
    Her bare eyebrows lifted. “You wouldn’t be pulling an old woman’s leg, would you?”
    Kay couldn’t help chuckling. “I wish I were. We don’t know what’s causing all this, but Doug thinks it’s going to last longer than a few days.”
    “Oh, my. I was supposed to go for chemo today.”
    Kay’s heart sank. Eloise’s cancer was aggressive and had already spread to several organs. “What will happen if you miss a treatment?”
    “Well, I suppose I can make it up when things get back to normal.”
    “But it’s crucial that you have it, isn’t it? We have to figure out a way to get you there.”
    The woman crossed the room and took Kay’s hands. “Honey, don’t you give it a thought. The Lord will take care of me. He knows what I need. And frankly, I’m just as glad to have a few extra days before the next treatment. Maybe I’ll have time to grow my eyelashes back.”
    Kay laughed softly. “You look beautiful without them.”
    Eloise waved her off. “Now you’re going too far. I spent the first half of my life trying to have long, silky hair. Now all I want for Christmas is eyebrows.”
    Thank heaven Eloise still had her sense of humor. “Surely the hospitals are offering critical care,” Kay said. “We have bicycles. Maybe we could get you to the hospital on one of those.”
    Eloise laughed. “Me, on a bike? I could never make it without falling and breaking every bone in my body. It’s been thirty years since I’ve ridden one. And how would I get back, as sick as I am when it’s over? No, hon, I’m better off just waiting this out. I’ll consider it a blessing from God. A nice reprieve. I’ll just enjoy it.”
    Kay wished she had something more to offer her. “Do you need anything? Do you have plenty of food, water?”
    The woman looked around. “Water might be a problem. I have a pitcher of tea, but when that’s out, I’ll have to make my way to the lake, I s’pose. But I’ll manage. Isn’t this odd? Wonder what the Lord is doing?”
    “You sound like Doug. But maybe God has nothing to do with this. Maybe we should blame terrorists instead of God.”
    “Well, it’s not like a plague swept over the city and struck everyone with illness,” Eloise said. “We’re all fine. What a gentle way to get our attention.”
    Kay turned that over in her mind as she studied her friend. “You have a very nice way of looking at things, Eloise.”
    Eloise’s eyes sparkled. “An experienced way. I’ve seen God do amazing things in my lifetime. Maybe this is one of those things.”

    Deni and Beth took the last of the grilled chicken over to the Rowes’ house and knocked on the door. Deni had never met the family. They had moved in just a year ago, while she’d been away at college.
    As Beth knocked on the door, Deni heard a baby crying inside. Someone called, “Coming!” But no one did.
    Finally, when they’d almost given up, the door flew open.
    The woman standing there, with a baby on each hip, didn’t look much older than Deni.
    She was pretty, but mascara was smeared under her eyes, and she wore a wrinkled T-shirt and shorts that looked slept in. The woman was in serious need of a makeover.
    Deni tried to look friendly. “Hi, I’m Deni from next door. We were cooking our meat and had extra.”
    “Oh, wow. Come on in.”
    They followed her into the big house. An older

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