Man Seeks Woman 2, Man Seeks Wife
fiddled with
his belt. Stuffing his shirt into the waist of his trousers, he dug
through his pockets for his phone and cursed when he realised that
he’d left it on the meeting room table.
    A little smile
curved his mouth at the thought of why he was distracted. He’d
heard that famous voice from outside sooner than he’d expected.
    As soon as he
was once again looking somewhat decent even if his shirt and jacket
was ruined, he left the room all to find the entryway empty. He
walked back down the passage to the meeting room to see the
Brewster brothers around the table with Ralph now in the room.
    He handed his
ruined jacket to his most trusted man ever, Ralph and avoided the
knowing smirk on the bastard’s face.
    “That was some
show.” Conrad commented from the other side of the table.
pulled out a chair and dropped down into it, folding his leg over
his knee as he relaxed back against the stiffness of the leather
underneath him.
    “I didn’t
think it would happen exactly like that but,” Sebastian lolled his
head back and fourth, “it could have gone worse.”
snorted and reached over to pour some coffees. Sebastian’s nose
wrinkled at the drink. He much preferred tea. “She could have
ripped your balls off. I believe Victoria is capable of that.”
    The man had no
    A smirk danced
on his face at the thought of Victoria doing something with his
balls. This particular moment, he wouldn’t mind at all whatever she
wanted to do with them. Just the thought of her hands or mouth
anywhere near him started a little tingling at the base of his
balls, warming them back up again.
Conrad hinted. “Want to tell us what’s gone on between you and the
ever colourful Victoria?”
    “No, it’s none
of your business.” Sebastian answered immediately and it wasn’t any
of their businesses even though he’d known the Brewster brothers
for going on ten years or was it longer?
including Victoria needed to know that though.
    “Oh come on.”
Conrad slapped his hands down on the black ash table; his hands
were the size of plates. In fact, his frame was so big he barely
fit into the chair he was sitting in. “I know something happened
all those months ago when we spoke but I didn’t think it was as big
as I’ve just seen, so spill.”
    “Like I said,”
Sebastian reiterated, a slight edge coating his voice. His face
hardened as he stared at the twins across from him, eying them.
“It’s none of your business. What goes on between me and Victoria
is again, none of your business. I’m here to renew the contract and
talk money, nothing more.”
    Conrad and
Benjamin looked at each other then back at Sebastian, looking like
they really wanted to comment further, perhaps dig deeper but
backed off eventually as if knowing they wouldn’t get anything more
out of Sebastian.


    “So?” Ralph
said quietly from his position in the driving seat. “What happened
with Victoria then?”
sighed as he sat back in the soft leather seat of his Land Rover
sipping a lime and water. “Uh...this and that,” There wasn’t any
need to elaborate on the fact that she’d allowed him to drink from
the furry cup and then dropped him on his backside like a bad habit
just before he was going to blow his load. A load that had
Victoria’s name and face written all over it.
    Ralph’s black
orbs were penetrative as they glared lasers at him in the rear view
mirror. The silence in the car became deafening until Sebastian
gave up because he knew the big man could last out the silent
intimidating stare for eternity. Even Sebastian didn’t have that
much patience.
    “Okay, okay,
okay. Will you stop with the devil glare?”
    “Only if you
rolled his eyes and wished like hell he could literally but
it didn’t seem to be happening now. Come to think of it, every time
he’d actually taken his hand to his member, he’d gotten little or
no relief whatsoever. It was

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