Saving Laurel Springs

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Book: Saving Laurel Springs by Lin Stepp Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lin Stepp
local customers and the whine of country music on the radio. The vintage Coke machine that opened from the top still stood by the door, and the wood shelves in the store spilled over with the same mix of store goods and local crafts. A cluster of tables nestled near the back wall by the deli counter, and, amazingly, the ancient metal cash register was still ringing up sales.
    A group of children sat eating ice cream cones at one of the tables, and Carter could hear Estelle’s voice and Jeannie’s over the din of the radio and the chatter of the kids. He looked around for Rhea and saw her, at last, propped in a corner, with Marshall Sutton leaning all too close to her.
    A familiar rush of jealousy flashed in his veins as he pushed his way to the back of the store. Marshall Sutton had always nourished a yen for Rhea.
    Carter saw Jeannie’s expression of surprise as he knocked over a chair on his way through the deli area.
    â€œHi, Carter,” Jeannie called.
    Hearing Jeannie’s words, Marshall turned his way. “Well, Carter Layman.” He didn’t hold out a hand in welcome. “I heard you’d come back for a visit.” He propped an arm proprietarily against the wall beside Rhea.
    Rhea glared at Carter, eyeing the chair that had clattered to the floor.
    Carter slid an eye over Marshall’s sharp gray suit, starched shirt, and neatly knotted tie. His hair, as always, was cut army short to his head and his dark eyes were not friendly.
    From his mother’s letters Carter knew Marshall had become quite successful in the banking industry.
    â€œI guess from the suit that you must still be working at your daddy’s bank.” Carter knew his tone sounded condescending, but he hardly cared.
    Marshall’s mouth tightened, and his eyes narrowed. “I’d say you’d know how that is—working for your wife’s daddy like you do.”
    Carter felt his right hand clench into a fist. He’d never liked Marshall Sutton, and looking at him now, he knew that hadn’t changed.
    He studied the arm leaned too close to Rhea against the wall. “Is Marshall bothering you, Rhea?” he asked softly.
    Marshall smiled at Carter in answer—a sly smile. “Rhea and I have been dating for the last six months, Carter. Perhaps you didn’t know that?” He straightened his tie carefully. “But, of course, it’s hardly your business anymore what Rhea does, is it?”
    Carter’s eyes slid to Rhea’s in question. She lifted her chin and put a hand on Marshall’s arm. “I need to get back to work, Marshall. But I’ll see you Friday night.”
    He put a hand over Rhea’s, but his eyes connected to Carter’s when he replied. “Yes. I’ll see you then. Wear something pretty. We’re driving into Knoxville for the symphony.”
    Carter’s eyes followed Marshall as he walked away. In another day and time, he’d have gone after him and beaten the crap out of him in the parking lot. He’d certainly done it before.
    Jeannie Ledford broke his concentration by coming up to throw herself in his arms. “Carter Layman, you big heart-breaker. Why haven’t you been by to see me?” She leaned back to let her gray eyes dance into his. “Billy Wade says he’s seen you twice now, and I haven’t gotten to see you once.”
    Carter relaxed, looking into Jeannie’s pixie-cute face. “Well, you’re seeing me now, Jeannie. How has life been treating you?”
    â€œJust fine,” she answered. She looked him up and down. “And you still look as handsome as I remember.”
    â€œThat’s the honest truth,” added Estelle Denton, coming around the counter to give Carter a hug of her own. “Lord, Son, how long has it been since I laid eyes on you? You’ve grown from a scruffy country boy into a fancy, slick city man. Real polished and fine-looking.”

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