The Duchess Of Windsor

Free The Duchess Of Windsor by Greg King

Book: The Duchess Of Windsor by Greg King Read Free Book Online
Authors: Greg King
    Quoted in Donaldson, 275.
    Rhodes, 417.
    Birkenhead, 125.
    Ibid., 137.
    Attlee, 123.
    David, 343.
    WW, 240—41.
    Sunday Times (London), 24 April 1966.
    Taylor, 370.
    Beaverbrook, 50—51.
    Channon, 109-110.
    Nicolson, Diaries , 280.
    Macleod, 197.
    Montgomery-Hyde, Baldwin , 568.
    David, 346.
    Channon, 110.
    Nicolson, Diaries , 280.
    Montgomery-Hyde, Baldwin , 477.
    Ziegler, 256.
    Leighton, 378.
    Ibid., 378.
    New York Herald Tribune , 28 November 1936.
    Associated Press article, 17 December 1936.
    Baltimore News-Post , 9 December 1936.
    WW, 242.
    Colville, 716.
    WW, 242.
    Chapter 20
    WW, 242.
    Ibid., 242.
    Ibid., 242—43.
    David, 340.
    WW, 243.
    Ibid., 243.
    Bloch, Letters , 254—55.
    Times (London), 3 December 1936.
    Freemantle, 178.
    David, 353.
    Quoted in Young, Baldwin , 137.
    WW, 244.
    Washington Star , 17 December 1936.
    WW, 244.
    Ibid., 244.
    Ibid., 244.
    Ibid., 244—45.
    Ibid., 245.
    Crawford, Crawford Papers , 573.
    Channon, 114.
    Lockhart, Diaries , 359.
    Times (London) 3 December 1936.
    London Daily Telegraph , 3 December 1936.
    London Daily Express , 3 December 1936.
    London Daily Mail , 3 December 1936.
    WW, 245.
    Ibid., 246.
    Ibid., 246.
    Birkenhead, 141.
    WW, 246—47.
    Ziegler, 269.
    WW, 248.
    Ibid., 248.
    Ibid., 249-50.
    Ibid., 250.
    Ibid., 250-51.
    Ibid., 252.
    Ibid., 252.
    Vreeland, 97—98.
    WW, 252—53.
    Ibid., 253-54.
    Martin, 252.
    Vreeland, 98.
    WW, 256.
    Ibid., 257-58.
    Ibid., 259.
    Ibid., 290.
    Chapter 21
    WW, 261.
    Bloch, Letters, 261—62.
    Churchill, Gathering Storm , 218.
    Young, 239—40.
    Time , 7 November 1936.
    Quoted, De-la-Noy, 35—36.
    David, 365.
    Wheeler-Bennett, King George VI , 285.
    Channon, 117.
    Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates , 4 December 1936.
    Beaverbrook, 78.
    Martin, 296.
    Taylor, 370-71.
    Interestingly, almost precisely this same path had been taken by the mistress of the present Prince of Wales, who, trying to ingratiate herself with a largely hostile public in anticipation of a larger role in the Prince’s life, took on a visible role in a charity and planned to make appearances with the Prince before this was cut short by the death of Diana, Princess of Wales.
    Birkenhead, 145.
    David, 379.
    Nicolson, Diaries , 282-83.
    David, 381—82.
    Ibid., 385-86.
    Crawford, Crawford Papers , 573.
    New York Times , 6 December 1936.
    London Daily Herald , 6 December 1936.
    Literary Digest , 12 December 1936.
    New York Times , 7 December 1936.
    Channon, 120.
    Information from Dame Barbara Cartland to author.
    Cross, 164—65.
    Time , 14 December 1936.
    Chapter 22
    Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates, 7 December 1936.
    Nicolson, Diaries , 282.
    Times (London), 8 December 1936.
    Nicolson, Diaries , 282.
    Cited, Bradford, Reluctant King , 192.
    Wheeler-Bennett, King George VI, 285.
    Times (London), 8 December 1936.
    Birkenhead, 149.
    Ibid., 149-50.
    Ibid., 150.
    Cited, Pope-Hennessy, Queen Mary , 579.
    Quoted, Pope-Hennessy, Queen Mary , 579.
    Daily Telegraph (London), 21 April 1984.
    WW, 262.
    Birkenhead, 147.
    WW, 263.
    Washington Herald , 8 December 1936.
    Birkenhead, 146.
    WW, 264.
    Ibid., 264—65.
    Ibid., 266.
    Ibid., 267.
    Ibid., 268.
    Middlemas and Barnes, 1013.
    WW, 267—68.
    New York Times , 22 January 1939.
    Private information.
    WW, 267.
    Ibid., 269.
    Nicolson, Diaries , 285.
    Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates , 10 December 1936.
    Nicolson, Diaries , 285.
    Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates , 10 December 1936.
    Nicolson, Diaries , 285-86.
    Bloch, File , 44—45.
    Bloch, File , 46. This figure is equivalent to roughly $40 million or £25 million in 1998 rates.
    Bloch, File , 47.
    Birkenhead, 151—52.
    Sitwell, 76.
    New York Times , 12 December 1936.
    WW, 269.
    David, 412.
    Vreeland, 99.
    Chapter 23
    Illustrated London News , 19 December 1936.
    Blackwood, 3.
    Nicolson, Diaries , 283—84.
    National Archives, Washington, D.C.: U.S. State Department file 841.001, VIII/77, 11 December 1936.
    Times (London), 23 December

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