Two For One Special (Menage Romance)

Free Two For One Special (Menage Romance) by Marie Carnay

Book: Two For One Special (Menage Romance) by Marie Carnay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marie Carnay

    T HIRTY - FIVE MINUTES . Brad-from-the-internet had kept her waiting thirty-five minutes. She sipped the martini in front of her and exhaled.
    “Can I get you another drink?” The bartender smiled at her and motioned at her glass.
    “No. I’m fine, thanks.” She smiled back and glanced at the front door.
    “Waiting for someone?”
    “Supposedly. But I think he’s a no-show.”
    “Maybe he’s stuck in traffic.”
    Macy shrugged. “Maybe.”
    Traffic merited a phone call. A text at least. She pulled out her phone and checked it. Nothing. She’d chatted with him online for weeks and he’d seemed decent. Nice, even.
    Okay, so he wasn’t the most attractive man she’d dated. But he’d actually talked to her. A lot. Which was a hell of a lot better than the guys she’d met any other way.
    But there she was, alone on a Friday night. Instead of trying to get in her pants, he’d stood her up. Awesome, Macy. Just awesome .
    As she stroked the stem of her glass, she appraised her reflection in the mirror. Long blonde hair, good makeup, slinky black dress. She looked sexy and nice. Didn’t she? She might not be razor-thin, but she could hike ten miles a day and play a mean game of tennis. Besides, men liked a round butt and ample boobs.
    If she could only find a decent one. With good hair. Like that guy. Oooh . Macy swallowed and crossed her legs. While she’d been staring at herself, a serious stunner had shown up. Tall and clean shaven. With dark brown hair that fell just right and eyes to match.
    She licked her lips as she noticed his tailored suit and polished shoes. A businessman. Why can’t I meet one of them online? At least I’d get a nice dinner out of it, even if he ended up boring.
    But the man at the bar screamed sexy and exciting. Not boring at all. Macy grinned, imagining all the things he could do to her. His hands running up her sides, his lips kissing hers. His tongue doing all sorts of amazing tricks. Her panties dampened just thinking about it.
    Too bad he’s not my date. Oh, well. Macy drained the rest of her drink. She’d have one more and head home. Break out her vibrator.
    She slid the empty glass across the bar and glanced up, meeting eyes in the mirror. The sexy, chocolate eyes of the hunk three seats over. Damn . He stared at her reflection like he was starving and she was the main course.
    She smiled and he smiled back. Oh my god. Could he really be interested? Macy gripped the bar, closing her eyes to give herself a mini pep talk. Just say hello. Try not to jump him. She opened her eyes, turned to introduce herself, and watched him hug another dude.
    What? Oh, come on . Macy slumped back on the seat and pouted. She couldn’t see the second man’s face—just broad shoulders, trim waist and jeans that hung just right. But it was enough. She could fantasize about the guy all she wanted. It wasn’t going anywhere unless she suddenly changed genders.
    With a sigh, she turned back to the bar and waved the bartender over. One more drink and she was out of there. If Mr. Internet didn’t show in ten, she was done.

    Ray sat down and ordered a beer. It’d been too fucking long since he’d been out. Between the case that ran his damn life and the girlfriend who’d dumped him because of it, he’d barely seen Damien in months.
    And if he knew his best friend, Damien was ready to make up for lost time. As he took a sip of the beer, his friend motioned down the bar. “Check out the little vixen in seat number three.”
    Ray turned and let out a low whistle. “That’s Macy.”
    “You know her?”
    “Mmm-hmm. She works on my floor. She’s a paralegal for Mr. Donovan.” His gaze traveled up her creamy white calves and thighs, pausing at her ass covered by a tight black dress. He’d never seen her with her hair down and a painted on pout that screamed fuck me. Damn. She was hot.
    “The corner-office partner?”
    Damien’s question jolted Ray back into the present.

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