
Free Innocence by Holly J. Gill

Book: Innocence by Holly J. Gill Read Free Book Online
Authors: Holly J. Gill
shot. “She is here in the village,” he said, taking his shot and missing.
    “I do hope that scoring a woman is more gratifying than you potting a ball,” Ross said, and walked around the table and marking up his next move.
    “Always had my way with the ladies…not.”
    “You don’t kid me, Calvin. I would imagine the women scream out to you in London?”
    “More like the rats in drains,” he said as they both laughed.
    “You need to wise up, after all, there is only so much a guy can take, while missing his appetite, ” he said wagging his brows and taking his shot.
    “Yeah, well, this girl isn’t one. I am gravely worried about her.”
    “Reason?” Ross said, straightening his back and rubbing down the end of his cue.
    “Caught her attempting to jump into the river earlier today,” he said, taking his mark at the table and leaned over to take his shot.
    “Excuse me!”
    “Exactly, cannot believe it myself. I almost wonder if she would have jumped, if I hadn’t turned up and stopped her. And the worst part I don’t know what to do about it” Calvin said, staring at Ross, he had his full attention now.
    “Are you saying she was going to take her own life?”
    “Yep, she sure was.”
    “And where is she now?” Ross looked full of curiosity.
    Calvin felt his mouth going dry.
    “At the cottage, the one the pub owns,” he said before swirling the beer around his mouth. He felt his stomach tied in several knots.
    “Oh and is she safe to be left alone?”
    “Yeah, I think so. I hope so. She was shattered when I left her and she was already talking about the future, so I guess she plans on staying around.”
    “Okay, and her mental state is reasonable?” Ross sounded far too professional with him.
    “Yes. Look she is upset, no money, no home, no job, parents slammed the door in her face and she’s had her bag stolen. I mean she has been through hell.”
    “Poor girl. How old is she?”
    Calvin shrugged his shoulders not having a real clue.
    “And she has nothing?”
    “Nothing. She was at her all-time low. I saved her. I think. I hope. I am not sure, but, she is pretty and just needs a little guidance. I thought with your knowledge we could maybe help her get back onto her feet,” Calvin suggested hoping Ross would help.
    “Okay and she has no job? Yet, you’ve appeared to notice she is pretty?”
    “Yeah so…and no job, nothing she was in a bad place and her partner cheated on her, leaving her homeless,” Calvin said.
    “I see, and she is where again?”
    “The cottage at the pub. I have paid for her to stay there, didn’t fancy bringing her home here, ‘seeing large pound signs’.”
    “I agree with that, but nevertheless you should have called the authorities. She clearly is in a mental state and might need some help,” Ross said, moving back to the snooker table to take his shot.
    “Of course, I understand that, but I thought she might need a few days to think about her actions and life.”
    “On your expense, Calvin. I suggest you walk very carefully with this woman. My major concern would be that she is trapping you.”
    “No way, I have seen her and she’s in no state to trap me,” Calvin said knowing Ross was talking rubbish.
    “You just said she is okay?”
    “Yes, I did, she is warm and safe and no doubt snuggled in the bed relaxing and catching up on some serious rest.”
    “Am I missing something here? I might be able to conduct psychology, but you are sending my brain crazy.”
    “Ross, she is fine.” Calvin stood tall and giving a fake smile. “She just needs someone to listen to her, help her that is all. Her parents don’t wish to know, although I have suggested tomorrow she attempts to talk to them again. She needs them, but from what I can guess, it all goes back to something that happened years ago when she was younger. I want to try and help her. She needs someone she can trust. You might think I am crazy, but I am stepping carefully.”
    “I hope

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