My Rock #7 (The Rock Star Romance Series - Book #7)

Free My Rock #7 (The Rock Star Romance Series - Book #7) by Alycia Taylor

Book: My Rock #7 (The Rock Star Romance Series - Book #7) by Alycia Taylor Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alycia Taylor
felt my fingers there, she
sucked them into her mouth. She started licking and sucking on them the way she
had my cock a while ago. It was fucking hot and I slid a third finger inside of
her. She felt it and started bucking her hips up and down and thrashing around
on the bed wildly as I finger-fucked her.
    “Oh, Tristan! Oh fuck!”
    “What baby?”
      “It feels so fucking
    “Yeah baby, you like that?”
    “Oh god, yes. Oh fuck! I want…Oh god!”
    “What is it you want baby? Tell me.”
    “I want you inside of me,” she said, in a raspy,
hoarse voice.
      “My fingers
are inside of you,” I said, moving them around . “You
feel that baby? Doesn’t it feel good?”
    “Oh yes! Fuck! It feels so good. But I want…I want
your cock inside of me, Tristan. I want you to fuck me, hard.”
    That was what I wanted to hear. She was so sweet and
ladylike all the time. It turned me on like crazy when she talked dirty to me.
I pulled my fingers out of her and she cried out again. Instead of giving her
my cock though, I slid down and replaced them with my lips. I sucked her lips
into mine and ran my tongue up and down along her slit, grazing the tip of her
swollen clit as I did. She fucking screamed out so loud that I expected Brad to
break down the door. I didn’t give a fuck if he did or not though, I wasn’t
stopping. I plunged my tongue deep inside of her and used the fingers of one
hand to open her up wide so that I could push in even deeper. She was squirming
so hard that I had to hold onto her hips with one hand to keep her steady. I
could see her hands opening and closing when I looked up. She looked like she
was straining not to use her hands. I sucked her clit into my mouth and slid my
fingers back inside of her. As soon as they hit the walls of her pussy she
began crying out and shaking. I could taste her orgasm as it washed through
her. It was fucking sweet.
    I kept licking her softly until her body slowly lost
its rigidness and she came down from her high. She was covered with sweat and
she had her eyes closed. Her hair was splayed out on the pillow above her and
her lips were red and swollen. She was gorgeous and I could have just looked at
her all night. That was, if my swollen cock wasn’t so anxious to fuck her. I
waited until her breathing had calmed down and she was completely relaxed. Then
I climbed up over her and between her legs. I took my cock in one hand and ran
it along the outside of her lips. Then I ran it across the tip of her clit and
her body jerked. She opened her eyes and a slow, sexy smile began to spread
across her face.
    She lifted up her hips and draped one leg across my
back trying to draw me in. I held myself there, teasing her, letting her slip
and slide up against it, rolling and pressing her pussy up against me. I swear,
her eyes were rolling back up in her head and I thought she was going to lose
it. I finally grabbed her hips and pulled her towards me and thrust into her.
She screamed again and then let out a long, deep moan. I moved in and out of her,
slowly at first. I was right on the verge and I still wasn’t ready.
    I leaned down and sucked on her nipples for a while,
trying to concentrate on that instead of the pressure building in my balls.
Both of our bodies were slick with sweat and it was fucking hot the way they
slid back and forth across each other like they’d been lubed. I wrapped my arms
around her torso and pulled her up against me so tightly that it was amazing
that she could breathe. I felt her begin riding me, and this time I didn’t stop
her. I took her hips in my hands and helped her slide up and down, faster and
harder. My cock was hitting bottom each time; within minutes, I exploded with
the biggest fucking orgasm I think I’d ever had. She cried out again, too, and
we rocked up and down against each other, milking out every last drop before we
both collapsed down onto the bed, gasping for breath. I pulled her on top of me
and I could feel

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