Bar Tricks

Free Bar Tricks by N Kuhn

Book: Bar Tricks by N Kuhn Read Free Book Online
Authors: N Kuhn
between her lips.
    The walls of her pussy clamp down on my dick. The heat, the wetness, the tightness, it all works together to do me in. Staying still so we can both get a handle on our passion is hard. I just want to pound her pussy so hard that she screams my name. But if I move, I’m going to lose it and cum like a fifteen year old boy. Her hands come up, gripping my hair, pulling me from her mouth. She trails kisses down my neck, little nips and bites here and there. My brain shuts off and my dick takes over. As I pull out, I turn my hips a little before slamming my cock back inside her pussy. Her moans drive me on. Making sure that as we collide, my body hits her clit, she’s quickly digging her nails into my back, holding on for dear life. Moving faster, I can feel myself reaching the edge. My senses go haywire and my vision dark. The ball of desire in the pit of my stomach grows.
    “Sal,” Gia screams, tilting her head back with her release.
    As her body quivers all over me, I find my release as I spill myself inside of her. Standing there, both of us panting, gasping for breath, she lays her head on my shoulder.
    “Sal, I have a secret,” she whispers between breaths. Running my hands up her back, holding her close to me, I feel her warm breath on my neck .
    “What’s that baby?”
    “I’ve wanted this for so long.”
    “Gia, you grew up into a gorgeous woman. I always knew you would.” She pulls away, smiling at me.
    “I should get back though, before Callie destroys my club. Come on, you can hang out with me until this is over.”
    As the sounds return to our senses, we hear the women cheering. Fixing her dress and leaving the torn panties on my floor, Gia leads the way. As we enter the bar together, I can tell she doesn’t want to go back to the party. Callie really is a bitch. Maybe she’ll loosen up as she drinks more. Leaning in to Gia, I whisper in her ear.
    “If you’re a good girl tonight, I’ll give you a treat after everyone leaves.”
    Laughing, she turns to me. Pulling the sides of my ripped shirt together, she looks in my eyes, and it makes my dick hard again.
    “Sorry about your shirt, and I promise. I’ll be on my best behavior.”
    She walks away, leaving me standing there alone, watching her perfect ass bounce with each step. I head back behind the bar grabbing one of the shirts we sell to customers and throwing it on. Man, this may turn out to be worth closing for the night after all. As long as Franco doesn’t murder me when he finds out.  Smiling to myself, I turn to make some more drinks for Buffy or Tiffy, whoever she is and settle down to watch Gia for the rest of the night.

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