No Technology Is Invincible (The Death Prophecies-Book Four 4)
not covered with Builders. Notice that even the space between stars has that blue field, which indicates to me that something is generating the field that allows them to use it everywhere.” Gabby took off her glasses for a moment and then put them back on as she nodded. Gabe smiled and thought,
Score one for me
    Gabby raise her left shoulder and said, “Which means they won’t have that technology when they pass through a black hole unless they bring the object that creates that field with them.” Gabe shook his head,
Score one for her
    “Poul, take us over the top of that galaxy when we arrive. I want to see what’s going on at the black hole.”
    “I’m changing course to take us over the top, Admiral.”
    “I thought we were going to use first names, Poul?”
    “Like I said earlier, Sir, she’s not doing it, so I’ll keep things nice and proper.”
    Gabby flinched and looked up from her panel. She shook her head and the next time she spoke to Gabe, she used his first name. Gabe smiled. She had to be nudged into doing some things.
    The huge galaxy filled the main monitor and Gabe watched as the Prophet’s Eyes changed course and flew above it. It arrived directly above the black hole and turned. Ten seconds later, they arrived above the event horizon and Gabby said, “It appears they are moving two launchers with thrusters into position outside the event horizon.”
    Gabe nodded, “What about the two launchers we didn’t destroy in the last attack?”
    The main monitor split and Gabe saw one launcher hanging in space and the other was spinning. He changed the monitor to only view the spinning launcher and he stopped the image. He stared at it and said, “This explains why they’ve not come through the black hole in Andromeda. They tried to modify that launcher and it failed.” Gabby stared at him and he pointed at the image, “Notice that one of the thrusters is missing from the rear of the launcher. It must have broken off when they ignited it and sent the launcher spinning.”
    Gabby turned back to her panel and, after a few moments, an image of a tail fin and thruster appeared on the monitor. “It appears you are right, Ad…I mean, Gabe.”
    Gabe changed the image to the new launchers moving toward the black hole and closed his eyes for a moment before opening them. He quickly realized he had done what Gabby did when she took off her glasses. He had to admit that closing his eyes for a moment allowed him to focus better. “Those launchers are completed and I suspect one of them will be going into the black hole upon arrival.”
    “Should we destroy them before they can?”
    Gabe looked at Gabby, “Why do you suggest that?”
    “Because it would delay their finding out about the jets the Darkness is using.”
    “I would caution you to not do that.”
    Gabe looked up, “Why is that, Poul?”
    “It would alert the Builders to our presence and our scouting efforts would be greatly hampered. It would also cause them to wonder how we arrived here if we couldn’t come through their black hole once they discover the jets. We would be telling them that there’s another way to get here.”
    Gabby looked up, “They’ll determine that anyway.”
    “Not everyone is as smart as you are, Gabby. It will take some time before they make that determination. Even if they do make that determination, they will be forced to take time to build the things they’ll need to go to the Carand’s Galaxy.”
    “What things?”
    “Gabby, you already mentioned that they’ll need a device to take with them to make their communications operational. They’ll also have to move enough stores on their warships to feed the crews over an extended voyage.”
    Gabby looked at Gabe as he stared at the monitor with the approaching launchers. “What are you thinking, Gabe?”
    “They built these launchers after the first one failed, which means it took them between six and seven weeks to complete them. If we attack and

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