Peach Pies and Alibis

Free Peach Pies and Alibis by Ellery Adams

Book: Peach Pies and Alibis by Ellery Adams Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ellery Adams
little dizzy.
    “We have a few wild places left. Places only our kind may enter. They’re usually deep
     in the woods, but some are underground,” her mother said. “We protect our sanctuarieswith our lives. Only those with our gifts can find the entrance.”
    Ella Mae thought about Melissa Carlisle’s secluded house. “You all live apart from
     everyone else. Except for Verena, none of you can see another house, and Verena’s
     blocked her view of her neighbor by growing a hedge row maze between the two properties.”
    “Our gifts only flourish close to nature,” Sissy said.
    “And Ms. Carlisle? What was her talent?”
    Reba looked grim. “She spoke the language of bees. That meant she was a mighty good
     seer. The bees would whisper of things to come. They were mostly about crops or weather
     and such, but they’d also warn her if bad things were afoot.”
    “And don’t go asking about the bad things!” Verena cried. “There’s no time to talk
     about them! We need to get to Melissa’s hives and see if they left us a message. Since
     Dee’s undoubtedly busy with the authorities, it’s up to us to search for clues.”
    “Not you, Ella Mae,” her mother said firmly. “You need rest.”
    Ella Mae shook her head. “I’ll rest later. I found Ms. Carlisle. I need to know what
     happened to her.”
    “Then I’m drivin’.” Reba reached for the Jeep keys. “You sit with Chewy, drink down
     a big Gatorade, and eat the peanut butter and banana sandwich I fixed you. Havin’
     an Awakenin’ is like runnin’ two marathons back-to-back. If you don’t feel like a
     complete jellyfish when we get to Ms. Carlisle’s, I might let you out of the car.”
    Knowing that Reba enjoyed fussing over her, Ella Mae smiled wearily. She then wriggled
     her fingers and said, “Don’t boss me around. Now that I’ve found my mojo, I might
     bake you into a pie.”
    Reba stopped and took her by the elbow. “None of this is a joke, ya hear?” She gestured
     at the mostly empty parkingarea. “You don’t know who’s listenin’. You’d best practice that vow of silence startin’
     right now.”
    Chastised, Ella Mae got into her Jeep, sank back against the seat, and tried to eat
     her sandwich with one hand while fending off Chewy’s eager tongue with the other.
     Reba was right. Once she’d finished her food and guzzled down the Gatorade, she closed
     her eyes, too exhausted to hold them open a second longer. Every inch of her body
     hurt. Even her bones ached. If the seat belt hadn’t been holding her in place, Ella
     would have slumped over like a top-heavy bag of flour.
    When they reached Melissa’s cabin, there was no outward sign that a woman had been
     found dead and taken away via ambulance. All was quiet. Even the birds and squirrels
     seemed reluctant to chirp or chatter.
    “How’d you get in?” Reba asked.
    “The back door was unlocked.”
    Reba nodded. “Stay here with Chewy. I’m going to check out the house. Your mama and
     aunts might need you to go with them to the hives.”
    Ella Mae was too tired to argue. While Chewy danced across both front seats, whining
     to be let out, she kept her eyes shut until she heard cars approaching.
    “You’re chalk white!” Verena exclaimed after opening the Jeep’s passenger door.
    “I’m fine,” Ella Mae insisted and all but fell out of the car.
    Luckily, Verena grabbed her before she could. “Melissa’s honey will restore you. She
     made a few jars with each harvest that have healing powers the likes of which I’ve
     never seen. And I know where she kept those jars. Come with Aunt Verena, Charleston
    Like the rest of Ella Mae’s family, Verena insisted on calling Chewy by his full name.
     In truth, he seemed to behave better when they did. Hastening to obey, he pranced
     over Ella Mae’s legs, making her wince in pain, and straight into Verena’s strong
    “I am not carrying you, you spoiled thing!” Verena declared,

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