A Pirate's Love

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Book: A Pirate's Love by Johanna Lindsey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Johanna Lindsey
final deep thrust.
    Bettina felt like screaming when he relaxed on her, exhausted. A minute passed, then two, but Tristan didn’t move.
    â€œI wish to get up,” she said coldly.
    He leaned on his elbows and stared down at her. “Why?” he inquired softly.
    â€œI would like to go to sleep, if you don’t mind. So will you please let me up?”
    â€œYou don’t make sense, Bettina. If you wish to sleep, then do so.”
    â€œI realize that you are no gentleman, and that you would not give up your bed for a lady, so—”
    â€œOn that count you are right,” he interrupted her.“But I need not give up my bed when I intend to share it.”
    â€œNo!” she cried, trying to push him from her, but it was like trying to move an iron man. “I refuse to share this bed with you, Tristan. It is bad enough that I have to suffer your—your mauling and raping my body, but I will not share your bed!”
    â€œAnd if I insist?”
    â€œYou will not!” she fumed.
    â€œAh, but I do insist, little one,” he returned, with an amused smile curling his lips.
    â€œDon’t you know how much I detest you?” she hissed as she squirmed to get out from beneath him. “I cannot stand to be near you. Now release me!”
    â€œIf you don’t stop wiggling, you will be raped a third time this day. Would you prefer that to sharing my bed?” he asked, his eyes gleaming with devilry.
    Bettina froze, fearing even to breathe. She could feel him growing inside her, and her eyes widened. They were deep pools of green, pleading silently with him for mercy.
    â€œWhat is your answer? Will you share my bed?”
    â€œAs with everything else, you leave me no choice. But your weight is unbearable, Tristan. I cannot possibly sleep this way.”
    â€œI will concede you that, but nothing more.”
    With that, he rolled to her side, and Bettina quickly yanked the covers over her and faced the wall, getting as close to it as she possibly could. She heard him laugh softly, but he soon fell asleep.
    Oh God, how she hated him! He could just fall asleep, as if this day had been no different from any other. While she—she wanted to scream. If someone had told her yesterday that she would fall into the hands of a ruthless pirate, she would have laughedhysterically. But now—now that she had been raped, not once but twice in the same day by this giant of a man, now that she was no longer innocent and suitable for marriage, she couldn’t even cry. Tears would free her of some of this anguish. But she was too angry to cry.
    Tristan, beast that he was, enjoyed having her in his power. Well, it would not be for too long. Once he set her free and she was no longer at his mercy, she would find a way to take revenge against him.
    She could hire a ship, a mightier ship than his, and blow him off the seas. Yes, even if she couldn’t cut his throat with her own hands, she would still bring about his death. The Comte de Lambert would help her. Of course, the comte might not want to marry her anymore. Well, if he didn’t, then she would just have to find another way. But she would not rest until she had sent Tristan to hell. And with that thought, Bettina finally slept.

B ettina awoke suddenly. She had been dreaming about Tristan, and her first thought was what a horrible nightmare she’d had. But when she looked around her and saw where she was, she knew it hadn’t been a nightmare.
    It was all true. She was actually on a pirate ship. She was actually at the mercy of a man she knew nothing about, a man who enjoyed having her in his power. And he did enjoy it. She had seen it in his eyes, heard it in his tone of voice. He was a man who cared only about his own desires, and nothing about her feelings.
    With a sigh of hopelessness, Bettina threw off the covers and sat on the edge of the narrow bed. She saw her violet dress lying in a heap by the table, and

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