A Pirate's Love

Free A Pirate's Love by Johanna Lindsey

Book: A Pirate's Love by Johanna Lindsey Read Free Book Online
Authors: Johanna Lindsey
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    â€œNo, no, no!” She stamped her foot in defiance. “I will not come near—”
    Before she could say more, the coiled leather sailed through the air and bit into the thick folds of her velvet skirt. Bettina jumped, and stared stupidly at the long slash that revealed the white material of her shift beneath the velvet. She looked up at Tristanslowly, her eyes wide and filled with terror. Did he miss touching her skin on purpose, or was his aim bad? She would not tempt him to try again.
    Gathering her courage, Bettina moved to stand before him. “What do you wish, monsieur? ” she asked haughtily.
    He burst out laughing. “What I want can wait. Are you hungry?”
    She nodded reluctantly, and for the first time noticed the platter of food at the far end of the table. She was famished.
    Walking past him to the other chair, Bettina sat down and started to eat. After a few moments, she looked up slowly and saw that Tristan was still watching her intently, an amused expression on his bearded face.
    â€œIs it all right if I eat, monsieur , or do you wish to starve me?” she asked sarcastically.
    He frowned. “Eat your fill, and then you will find out what I wish to do.”
    Bettina ate with deliberate slowness, irritating Tristan further. But if she could annoy him in any way, any way whatsoever, then she would do so. Just as long as she could get away with it.
    As she continued eating, she noticed that candles had been lit in the room, and that it was dark outside the small window at the foot of the bed. Well, now that night had fallen, she could at least insist that it be dark in the room if he was going to rape her again. She couldn’t bear the indignity of him staring at her unclad body as he had earlier. She wondered briefly where she would sleep, for no doubt the beast would not give up his bed when he finished with her. But what was she thinking about? She would not let him rape her again.
    â€œFinish your meal now, Bettina, or you can go without it, for I’m tired of waiting.”
    â€œWaiting for what, monsieur? ” Bettina feigned innocence. “You raped me once. Surely you do not intend to do so twice in the same day?”
    His devilish grin was her answer. Bettina jumped up and ran for the door, but the crack of the whip in the air halted her.
    â€œCome here, Bettina!”
    She felt panic rising in her again, but fear of what he might do made her obey. She turned and walked toward him slowly. When she reached him, he took her hand and pulled her closer until she stood between his knees. Then, without warning, Tristan reached up, grabbed her dress at the shoulders, and yanked it down to her waist.
    Bettina gasped and drew back her hand to strike him, but he caught both her hands and twisted them behind her back, bringing her unclad breasts close to his face.
    â€œYou are hurting me!” she cried, trying to pull free.
    â€œDon’t you want to hurt me?” he asked, but he released her arms. “I know that you wish to fight me, Bettina, but know now that I will not allow it. For every time you strike me, you will receive ten lashes. For the slightest resistance, you will receive five lashes. Do you understand me?”
    Damn him! Again he would deny her the satisfaction of opposing him. If she was to be raped, why couldn’t she at least fight for her honor like other women? But he would not allow her to. It was unbearable, for she would have to submit to this man as if she were willing.
    â€œWill you fight me, Bettina?” he asked her quietly, his soft blue eyes looking into her deep green ones.
    â€œYou must fear that you are no match for me if you have to threaten me to ensure your own safety. Are you afraid of me, Capitaine , because I was able to best you this afternoon?” she asked sarcastically, pleased to note the narrowing of his eyes. “What would your crew think if they knew you couldn’t

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