Seducing Sophie

Free Seducing Sophie by Juliette Jaye

Book: Seducing Sophie by Juliette Jaye Read Free Book Online
Authors: Juliette Jaye
Seducing Sophie (At The Billionaire’s Command Part 1)
    Sophie hadn’t had the easiest start to life. Her mother did her best after her father walked out on them when Sophie was three, but life as a single mother had b een difficult. She worked two jobs to make ends meet, and knew that she hadn’t been there for Sophie as often as she would have liked. Still, despite her mother wishing she could have been there more often, Sophie hadn’t been a bad kid. S he didn’t hang out with the wrong crowd, but she wasn’t an A student either. Quite simply put, she was an average, small-town girl who expected to live an average, small-town girl’s life. She got good enough grades, and when she graduated from high school got a job as a waitress at the local diner along the highway. She made ends meet, and figured she’d be there for a good chunk of her life.
    When she was twenty one years old, however, everything changed. Sophie saved up every cent she’d earned at her job working at the diner and took a three day trip to New York City. Sophie discovered there was a whole wide world outside of her small town, and she wanted to be a part of it. She had never experienced anything like it. She went to Times Square, the Empire State Building, the Statue of Lib erty and walked along Broadway and saw the bull on Wall Street . The lights of the city, the energy of the city absolutely amazed her. When she got back home, Sophie immediately applied for student loans and began attending her state college the following semester . Suddenly, Sophie had a goal in life. She worked like a maniac, juggling two jobs and full time studies to make ends meet. She was going to be a city girl. She was going to move to New York City.
    Sophie had been impressed by the tall, glass towers and the women in their high heels and business suits who walked around with the confidence Sophie had ever felt she had. She wasn’t at the top of her class, but Sophie was very easily one of the better students in her program. She wasn’t the smartest person in her class, but she worked extremely hard, moving her hours down to part time at the diner and attending classes year round. She would study on her breaks at the diner and spend most of her free time in the college library. Her marks were good enough that when Sophie applied to every single internship she could find in New York City, she got three interviews. And one of the companies, Carey and Ulhman , one of t he largest investment banks on Wall S treet, gave her the job. Sophie had been ecstatic when she got the phone call congratulating her . When she got the ne ws, she jumped around her apartment like a madwoman . It was hands down the most exciting day of her life. She began packing immediately. Her mom and her both cried as she boarded the plane to the city, her mother pinching Sophie’s cheek and telling her how proud she was, and as they arrived at JFK Airport late at night, the lights of the city shining bright, Sophie knew this was where she belonged. This was where she was going to start her new life.
    Now Sophie was starting her new job, her first day working in New York City, as an inte rn. Oh my God, I can’t even tell if I’m more nervous or excited she thought to herself as she pushed through the revolving glass doors of the forty story building. Everything was so fast-paced in New York, Sophie felt as though if she stopped to look around she’d be run over. Men and women, all in suits, hustled around her, their lives completely focused on themselves, their phones and the piles of papers they carried. No one paid Sophie any attention as she slowly walked through the building’s lobby, never having seen anything like this. There are more people in this building right now than live in my hometown she thought. S ophie smoothed down the skirt of her new suit, which she’d bought the other day with one of her credit cards, hoping to make a good impression. After all, she had to look the part. She

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