
Free Beanball by Gene Fehler

Book: Beanball by Gene Fehler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gene Fehler
Part One

Luke “Wizard” Wallace and Andy Keller
    â€œThis is our year, Andy. I’m sure of it.
    I had this dream last night.”
    â€œOkay, Wizard. Let’s hear it.”
    â€œI dreamed it was Awards Night.
    Coach Hucklebee was holding up a big trophy: State champs.
    There were two little statues on top.
    One was you and one was me. Co-MVPs.”
    â€œHey, that must mean Coach picked me to start at third base.”
    â€œSure. Why else would I have dreamed it?”
    â€œI hope you’re right.
    Wait’ll you hear about
    I dreamed I was making out with Lisalette Dobbs.”
    â€œYou and Lisalette?
in your dreams.”
    â€œI know she’s out of my league, but . . .”
    â€œI’ll say this, pal: The chances of you starting at third
    and of us winning State are better than the chances
    of you making out with Lisalette Dobbs.”
    â€œYou think?”
Clarissa Keller, Andy’s sister
    I saw a shooting star last night.
    If you see one,
    you’re supposed to make a wish.
    So I did.
    I wished that Luke and Andy would stay best friends
    forever and ever.
    Or at least until I’m in high school.
    That would mean Luke will keep coming to our house.
    I know an eleventh grader would never have
    a sixth grader for a girlfriend.
    I’m not dumb.
    But maybe someday he’ll look at me
    and not just see somebody’s little sister.
    I hope Andy and Luke stay friends till then.
Luke “Wizard” Wallace, Oak Grove center fielder
    What I love most about football
    is when I jump up between two defenders
    and feel the ball slap against my hands and stay there;
    then I break a tackle and know that nobody can catch me.
    In basketball, it’s when I’m on my game,
    and I know, just know,
    that when the ball spins off my fingertips,
    it’ll hit nothing but net.
    Baseball—that’s the best of all.
    I’m in center field, a sea of green all around me.
    I see the batter swing,
    and I know that if the ball is hit anywhere near me,
    I’ll make the catch.
    I read a book about an old-time ballplayer,
    Shoeless Joe Jackson.
    He was such a great fielder, people called his glove
    â€œthe place where triples go to die.”
    Standing out in center field, I think, “That’s me, too.”
    Nobody can ever take that feeling away.
Andy Keller, Oak Grove backup infielder
    Sure I’m disappointed. Who wouldn’t be?
    I thought I’d be the starting third baseman.
    Luke thought so, too.
    But with just a few days to go before our first game,
    Coach came up with this brainstorm:
    Move Ricky from right field to third.
    Coach figures he’ll get more batting punch
    if he puts Ricky at third and Julio in right,
    but I think I’m as strong a hitter as either of them.
    Coach has given me a fair shot;
    I’m not saying he hasn’t.
    It’s just that I haven’t hit as well as I know I can.
    Luke thinks I’m trying too hard,
    putting too much pressure on myself.
    He says I should keep my head up, that I’ll get my chance.
    I hope he’s right.
Paul Gettys, Oak Grove pitcher
    Coach has a saying: “You can’t go undefeated
    unless you win the first one.”
    I owe this win to the Wizard.
    I wasn’t sharp. Gave up six runs.
    Didn’t deserve to win.
    It was in the low forties today.
    I like it hot.
    Sweat dripping down.
    My right arm as loose as an old sock.
    I’d never let Coach hear me blame the cold, though.
    Shoot, Coach hates excuses.
    He says, “An excuse is a crutch for losers”
    and “An excuse is like trying to patch
    an amputated arm with a Band-Aid.”
    Hucklebee’s a great coach,
    even if he does go overboard with his cornball sayings.
    Anyway, I just wasn’t getting my pitches where I wanted

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