The Old Cape House
when she got home.

    Early summer 1715
    MATTHEW HELPED MARIA INTO THE WAGON. As he touched her hand, he looked at her face and thought how beautiful she was, there was such a glow about her. “Be careful now,” he said.
    Maria joined Minda on the wagon’s worn wooden seat and placed her basket in the back. “We will. And thank you, Matthew, for hitching up ‘Old Brother’. See you in a few days.”
    He stepped away from the wagon as Minda gave a clicking sound and flipped the leather reins up and across the horse’s back. Old Brother trotted off down the path that led to the dirt cart-way.
    The rough old wagon cradled them as they passed through familiar landscapes. When they approached the deforested land of the King’s Highway, Minda pulled back on the reins to stop Old Brother. “So many fine-looking trees are gone Maria. I cannot understand why your people take not only our lands but our forests too. We are left with so little. My heart weeps for what will become of us and your children yet to be.”
    Maria had no words of consolation. There was nothing either one of them could do.
    The landscape looked so barren to Minda, she closed her thoughts about something she could not change and looked over at the young Maria. “You seem better, not so nervous. I think that you have decided to become a mother.”
    Maria held her head down, looked sideways towards Minda, smiled and nodded yes. The old woman covered Maria’s hands with her own, gently squeezing them as a comfortable silence fell over the two friends.
    They traveled for hours before they came to the Namaskaket lands and finally to the North Parish of Harwich. They could see Abigail from the road as they came over the crest of the hill; she was sitting under a large oak tree next to the house. Her new home was nearly finished with only trim remaining. Abigail spotted the wagon and waved at them with a weak sway of her hand.
    Minda took notice of Abigail’s demeanor and hoped she was feeling better.
    A widow from Yarmouth, Abigail was forty-two years old and enjoyed being the second wife of fifty-three-year old Nathanial Doane. When Nathaniel surprised his bride with plans for a new dwelling farther east, she didn’t mind the move. She looked contentedly around her property and thought it was advantageous that Nathaniel had inherited this land in the Namaskaket area from his father, one of the ‘Purchasers’ or ‘Old Comers’. The happy bride felt comforted with the thought of how endearing Nathaniel was because he was so worried about her health. Yes, it was bothersome to her that her stamina and well-being was causing some concern, but Nathaniel reassured Abigail that his wedding gift of a new dwelling would cheer her up and be good for her. She sat in front of her promised new house, enjoying the shade from the lone tree above her head, waiting for her guests to arrive.
    The two travelers pulled alongside the large tree. Minda called out , “I am glad you are getting fresh air, Abigail, my friend.”
    Maria jumped out of the wagon, straightened her skirts and greeted Abigail with a hug. “Wait till you see what I’ve brought you. I know you’ll like it.” She lifted her things out of the wagon just as Jacob took Old Brother into the barn for oats, water and a night of rest.
    Abigail looked tired but eager to visit with her friends and reached out to both of them. Laughing, with arms around one another, they walked into the house.
    The raised threshold of the simple full cape or ‘double’ house greeted them; it led to a narrow staircase that ascended upstairs. Abigail, being first inside, moved to the right and into the kitchen. Maria looked at the two windows that faced front and then glanced back at the large center chimney fireplace. She ran her hand over the thick smooth wood of the long table and placed her basket next to a small jar of spring flowers. Two long benches ran along each side of the

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