Between Love & Fire (Backstage #1)

Free Between Love & Fire (Backstage #1) by Dani René

Book: Between Love & Fire (Backstage #1) by Dani René Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dani René
do like my brother. It’s always him, no matter how badly he treats girls they always flock to him.”
    His words puzzled me. “No, I don’t like Liam. But what are you talking about? There are multitudes of girls who would kill to be with you.” He chuckled and his gaze met mine.
    “Yes. I suppose there are, but none of them grab my attention...” He turned, his body faced me entirely. The smile on his face was gentle. “… only you.” My breath caught in my throat. What? What did he mean? I was an average girl, nothing special. Wait, no, this was his sweet talking! Wasn’t it? He confused and infuriated me, but this sensitive part was weaving its way into my heart.
    “What? I caught your attention by spilling coffee over you?” He laughed and nodded.
    “I guess so yes. You’re challenging and confident and so fucking stubborn. I admire that in a woman. Someone who can give me a run for my money.” His words sunk in. Thoughts whirling through my mind. Never have I been complimented by a man like him. I stared at the stars above us. They twinkled with a promise. If I could learn to trust him, this could work. Do I want it to?
    “I speak my mind Callum, and I am stubborn, because you infuriate me more than you know.” When I walked towards him I held out my hand. “I love challenging you, it’s fun. This…” I pointed between us. “… it’s new to me. You have to understand that a relationship is difficult for me.” He laced his fingers through mine. “Let’s not talk now. How about you drive me home?” I smiled and tugged him towards the car.
    We drove in comfortable silence to my apartment. He pulled up to the sidewalk, and I realized I didn’t want the night to end just yet. He spoke first. “I hope you enjoyed the dinner and the city lights.” I could hear the smile in his voice, but didn’t face him. I wouldn't get out of his car if I saw those blue pools that pierced my soul. Thoughts of kissing him were at the forefront of my mind now. “Petal?”
    Against my better judgment and against every ounce of restraint I had, I turned to him and whispered. “Did you want to come up? For a drink?” A smile that threatened to crack his face appeared, and he nodded.
    “I would.”
    I turned on the lights as we entered the living room. Inside my tiny space again, Callum’s scent invaded the room. “Make yourself comfortable. I am just going to change.”
    “Into something slinky and sexy I hope?” My glare quietened his chuckle immediately. “I was kidding, you need to lighten up, Petal.” His words said one thing, but the hungry gaze that travelled over my body said something different.
    Once in the safety of my bedroom, I changed into a tank top and a pair of sweats. Fully aware of Callum sitting in my living room, my body was tingling in anticipation. This will be interesting. There is nothing that can prepare you for Callum Hayes on your sofa. Relaxed. Sexy. Perfect. He had taken his jacket off and the shirt he wore hugged every muscle in his torso and chest. “Tea, coffee, wine, beer or water?” I grinned. His eyes sparkled taking in my casual appearance. The heat of his stare warmed my skin and the knot in my belly tightened. I was in so much trouble.
    “Wow, what a selection. Wine will be a perfect start.”
    “Start? Are you planning on staying that long?” I giggled. Since when do I giggle? Seriously .
    He winked and that cheeky arrogance was back. “As long as you want me.” I shook my head as I strode towards the kitchen. Grabbing two wine glasses out of the cupboard, I placed them on the counter and selected a red wine. Not that my collection was that big. Once the bottle was open, I half-filled both glasses.
    I felt him before I turned. His body radiating heat towards me. He had won this round because I was helplessly aching to be near him. To have his body against mine. When I turned—slowly—careful not to spill wine over him. I peered up through my eyelashes and

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