Forever Changed

Free Forever Changed by Jamie Gibson

Book: Forever Changed by Jamie Gibson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jamie Gibson
met, so what do you think?”
                  “I thought you would say that, but I was meaning more along the lines of being able to do powers on yourself.” I said as I stopped to look at him.
                  He was looking back at me through his reflection in the mirror, now. Our eyes connected and I got lost for a minute in the depths of black with red specks. “What do you mean?” he asked seriously.
                  “Well can you make the stubs on your head disappear and make your teeth perfect, by just thinking about it?” I asked innocently.
                  “I am sure I can, but I have never worried about my appearance.” He said with a little sadness in his voice.
                  “Why don’t you try now?” I asked hoping he wouldn’t get mad.
                  “Ok,” he said with a grin, “Anything for you Elizabeth.”
                  I watched as he concentrated, staring at himself in the mirror. The specks of red disappeared completely and his eyes became blacker than any kind of black, I had ever seen. I watched as the stubs on both sides of his head slowly drew up into his head. I watched as he opened his mouth and his razor sharp teeth slowly became perfect white teeth. I watched as the dark circles disappeared under his eyes and a smooth dark tan appeared over his body and I assumed under the towel as well.
    Slowly his eyes became the regular black that I love and the red specks re-appeared.
                  He looked at me and smiled, “Is this what you wanted?”
    I looked at him dazed, “Yes, yes it is,” I said in a whisper.
    “Now, can you do something for me , since I became your ‘project’,” he asked seriously.
    Still in a daze, “What is it, Landon” at this point I loved saying his name and I loved looking at him. I was not embarrassed and I was more drawn to him now, than I had been when he came up out of his rabbit hole.
    “Take me out,” he said with longing in his voice. “Take me out in the world, so I can feel like I am normal, as the way you just made me look, please?” I could hear the sadness and longing in his voice. I guessed that he is a demon, but that is not what he wanted to be. It was not by choice and he wanted to be normal.
    “Yes, yes I will!” I said jumping up and throwing my arms around him. “I have never had a friend, Landon, and I have never been on a date!” I said all excited.
    He wrapped his arms around me and held me close, “Thank you Elizabeth, I want more than anything to be your friend and
    want nothing more than to go out on a date with you.
    For some odd reason, I couldn’t see why Landon was a demon. I couldn’t understand how he could possibly be one and I was a little afraid to ask.
    “What should you do with that?” I asked him looking at his dirty cape.
    “O h, that is easy,” he said and snapped his fingers and I watched as the cape disappeared in a swirl of smoke.
    “Perfect, now will you disappear long enough for me to get ready?”
    “That is not fair,” he said. “You gave me a bath and now I have to leave so you can take yours.”
    “Yup, those are the rules,” I said smirking up at him. “Besides I think we are even now with seeing each other naked.” He was tall and I had no choice, but to look up at him.
    “As you wish,” he said and disappeared before my eyes, just like his cape.

    Chapter 18
    An hour later we were sitting in my mustang riding into town. I was so excited to actually be going out. Even though it was a school night, I thought about skipping tomorrow in order to spend the day with Landon. I felt something for Landon and I had no idea what. Hell I had only met him last night, but it felt as if we had known each other forever.
    “So what would you like to do, Landon,” I asked teasing him a

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