The Kuthun

Free The Kuthun by S.A. Carter

Book: The Kuthun by S.A. Carter Read Free Book Online
Authors: S.A. Carter
Tags: Fiction, Magical Realism
shakes his head. ‘Uh, wait a minute. Taqôq Wiyon? You spoke to him?’ His question is filled with surprise.
    ‘Yep,’ I answer calmly.
    ‘Well…how did he see you?’
    ‘I don’t know, but he
a shaman so I suppose it makes sense that he could interact with me,’ I say it like it is obvious, although at the time I remember being just as shocked by it as he is right now.
    He lets out a whistle. ‘That is astounding. So tell me what he said?’
    I then go into detail about what I saw and my conversation with Taqôq Wiyon. When I am finished he can’t believe it. He shakes his head in astonishment.
    ‘So he expects you back then.’ It wasn’t really a question, more of a statement.
    ‘Yeah, I suppose you’re right. I hadn’t thought about that but now I can see that’s what he was meaning.’ How strange. He knew I would return.
    I am lost in thought as we pull into the driveway. We park the truck by the shed and I see Aunt Lily walking towards us. Something is wrong.
    We get out hurriedly and Uncle Jo strides over to her quickly. ‘What is it?’ he asks.
    Her face is creased with anxiety and she is wringing the dish towel in her hands. ‘I…I’m not sure, but I just got a phone call that was strange.’
    He frowns and his aura expands with a protective surge. He puts his arms around her and looks at me for a moment, relaying his worry. ‘Who was it?’ he asks her gently.
    ‘I don’t know but he asked for Ellie. When I said she wasn’t home he went silent. And when I asked him who was calling, he said…’ She looks at me with tears forming in her eyes.
    ‘What did he say?’ Uncle Jo’s voice has dropped to a new low.
    Aunt Lily looks between us. ‘He said to tell her that her time is coming.’
    He’s found me.

Chapter 7
    Uncle Jo’s energy is going into overdrive. The anger pulsating off him is palpable. Magi whimpers and moves closer towards me. He starts to lead Aunt Lily back to the house, talking to her gently, trying to reassure her that everything is going to be fine. He looks at me and jerks his head, telling me to get my butt inside. Now!
    I obediently walk behind them, not wanting to have my uncle’s wrath upon me. After all, it is my fault this is happening. And now my aunt is caught in the middle
I just want this to be over.
    As we walk inside the house Uncle Jo leads Aunt Lily straight into the kitchen and I drop my bag quickly and bound upstairs with Magi hot on my heels. I close my bedroom door and lock it, turning around in search of an answer, in search of something that will help us.
    I think of the kuthun, Mum, Uncle Jo and Magi. I think about the Venator, the dreams, and the strange visitor with power. It all has to mean something. I just have to figure it out.
    The image of the kuthun pops into my head. I’ve seen it before, I’m sure of it. I quickly grab the silver key out of my jewellery box and stride over to the enchanted chest that sits at the foot of my bed. My hand shakes lightly as I push the key into the lock and turn it counterclockwise. A sound, like a train pulling into the station, tumbles out of it and I move a few blankets and keepsakes aside to find what I am searching for.
    My hands wrap around the Book of Cole and I gently pull it out. The faded leather bound book, worn with age, has been in our family for generations. It contains spells and skills that have been passed down through the ages. I love this book. It feels old and intricate and I imagine feeling the presence of all my ancestors coming through the pages, speaking to me when I read it. I lightly trace my fingers over the symbolic markings that have been magically carved around it to ensure its protection and preservation.
    On the front cover sits a side view of a woman’s profile. She has strong features—high forehead, wide eyes, a strong nose that is slightly turned down at the end, and her lips are full and pressed together. She appears to be wearing make-up, which is evident by

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