Shadow Ops: Danger's Passion (Kindle Worlds Novella) (A Shadow Ops Novella Book 3)

Free Shadow Ops: Danger's Passion (Kindle Worlds Novella) (A Shadow Ops Novella Book 3) by LS Silverii

Book: Shadow Ops: Danger's Passion (Kindle Worlds Novella) (A Shadow Ops Novella Book 3) by LS Silverii Read Free Book Online
Authors: LS Silverii
and permitting office’s database lists the property as a commercial and residential mix use—bar on bottom, with apartments on top. The top is probably where they ran prostitution. We stick together, no matter what.” Billy emphasized the last point.
    Hollywood drug his hand back inside the SUV as Chase rolled the windows up to ensure they weren’t detected by counter-surveillance on the approach. His mind returned to a razor sharp focus as he snapped his helmet’s chinstrap and keyed up his tactical radio’s microphone. It cracked to life.
    Hollywood’s pulse began to beat faster, until he noticed the change and became concerned enough to begin breathing exercises to settle his heart rate. Many considered his mission to capture bin Laden to be his most dangerous but he disagreed.
    The world’s most tested and trusted combat technicians had drilled for years to execute that operation into Pakistan. Tonight, at almost one o’clock on Easter Sunday morning, he was riding into a place no one had ever seen, to fight no telling how many outlaws, to rescue a woman he loved if she was still alive.
    And if that wasn’t harrowing enough, his team consisted of ten felon outlaw motorcycle gang members. His pulse was pounding for damn good reason.
    “One block out. Again, the Savages will take the first and second floor. They can fuck or fight all night long if they want too. Our only mission is to get into the basement, rescue and extract. Understood?” Rose’s voice always raised an octave as an operation was about to unfold. Hollywood knew it meant she was focused on detail, not on delivery.
    “Chase, take us around back. I don’t want to get caught up in the slaughter,” Billy said. Even through the thick Nomex hood, Billy’s voice was clear and commanded respect. It’d be his attention to detail that would get STR through this shit storm.
    “Last turn, rear door half a block ahead. You know the drill—lock and load,” Billy said.
    Hollywood snugged the HK MP5 submachine gun close against his vest. His fingers darted across the nylon tactical belt and ballistic armament to make sure equipment and ammunition was in place. Multiple metal thirty round metal magazines were jammed into pockets across his chest, and Def-Tec 25 flash bangs strapped and ready to deploy. It was an assessment he’d mechanically rehearsed millions of times until muscle memory made it involuntary.
    He began to gnaw on his bottom lip—a habit he’d managed to break once with the SEALS. Actually, it was the Navy who broke him. They said it showed his intentions—a trigger signaling an action. Now, the tell revealed his edge, but he was a much more experienced operative than when he first passed BUD/S training.
    Chase clipped a left turn as Hollywood’s peripheral vision caught the swarm of Harley Davidson motorcycles screeching to a halt. Big men in black leather moved like shadows, blasting grins that torched the darkness. The Savage Souls charged toward the front door. And just as quickly, he lost sight of them.
    I’m coming, Voodoo. Hang in there, baby.
    Clicks signaled doors were unlocked and opened. KC positioned herself against the passenger’s side front corner. The rest of STR lined up behind her. Hollywood was fourth in line behind Chase. He scanned the rear of the building, noting two windows upstairs, and only a metal door on the first floor. He gripped the steel battering ram as he felt the squeeze of Rose’s fingers against his left shoulder.
    His legs felt heavy. His feet drug across the small concrete courtyard. Murderous howls and gunshots from inside concealed their approach. Hollywood wished he’d been a part of that melee. Somewhere in there were the two motherfuckers with their dicks out in the picture. Their faces were burned in his mind for when the time came.
    KC stopped to the left of the entrance. Billy, Chase, Lawless, then Hollywood and Rose angled their positions at a forty-five degree slant to allow for

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