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Book: Josette by Kathleen Bittner Roth Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathleen Bittner Roth
    â€œDon’t be silly.”
    â€œPerhaps you’re sorry you sent Alexia after him, oui ?”
    Shock waves ran through Josette. “What makes you think I had anything to do with her running off?”
    A low grunt left René’s throat. “Alexia takes to chattering when we float along the bayou. Have you forgotten I am closer to her than her flesh-and-blood papa?”
    Josette pressed two fingers against her temple and rubbed in circles. “Please. I’m in no mood for a debate. Besides, I really do need to retire.”
    René sat back and studied her beneath heavy lids. “Do not forget that it was I who practically raised you, not Maman. I changed your drawers and combed the knots from your hair. I know you better than anyone, oui ? Enough to know you are not being honest with me.”
    He was right. He knew her better than anyone, and that idea tugged at her heartstrings. Only four years her senior, and a child himself, he’d acted the part of the father she’d never had. He’d seen to dressing her until she was old enough to do so herself. He’d made certain she got enough to eat before he took a bite off his own plate. It was he, barely ten years old, who’d pushed a pirogue through thunderstorms to see she went to school.
    â€œIn due time, René. In due time.”
    Bang. Bang. Bang.
    Josette jumped at the loud pounding on the front door.
    René stood. “Who be that at such a late hour?”
    Oh God, she prayed it wasn’t Vennard. How could she explain?
    The pounding increased.
    â€œI’ll see to it.” René made to step past her.
    She sprang to her feet and grabbed his arm, her heart in her throat. “This is my home, and since Vivienne is not present, I will see to answering my own door.”
    René scowled. “ Non. You are dressed in a flimsy robe and your hair is down.”
    â€œDo you think I give a damn about propriety when society shuns me for being bayou trash trying to better myself? Did you know they still whisper ugly rumors that Louis died either by my hand or Maman’s?” She released his wrist and walked away.
    â€œThen I will wait right here, you stubborn woman. But at the first sign—”
    â€œOh, hush with your nonsense.” She reached the foyer and paused when she saw movement through the door’s beveled glass side panels. Vennard was not as tall as that. She squinted. My God! Instinctively, she tugged at the panels of her red silk robe, as if they’d somehow separated.
    He pounded again.
    She turned on her slippered heel and fairly sailed back to the parlor. “It’s Cameron Andrews. You need to leave.”
    â€œ Merde , what is that cur doing here at such an hour? Even more reason to stay.”
    â€œProbably wanting to check on Alexia—how should I know? In any case, he’s about to break down the door, so go.”
    â€œ Non . I will remain for your safekeeping.”
    â€œOh, for God’s sake.” She planted her hands on his chest and pushed. “Do you think he is here to do me harm? He might be finally acknowledging his daughter and I will not have you mucking things up by making a scene. Leave.”
    René stepped back and, amid the pounding, studied her for what seemed an eternity. “ Oui, I shall leave then.” He headed down the corridor toward the rear of the house as the pounding increased. “The door, she is about to be split in two.”
    â€œAnd don’t merely pretend to leave. I’ll not have you slinking about.”
    He spun around, hand on heart. “You do not trust me?” He advanced toward her, mischief outlining his features. “Then I shall see myself out another way.”
    Oh Lord, no! “Not the front door, you mindless fool. You’ll only take a punch at him, if he doesn’t manage to lambaste you first.”
    René strode into the parlor, guzzled the remainder of

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