His Secret Desire
directed himself to
    "Are foul language and verbal aggression part
of your psychological defense mechanism Ms. Maldon? Or is that your
actual personality?"
    "Psychoanalyst as well as military hardware
tycoon. Is there anything you aren't good at? Or is that just a
massive superiority complex you have?"
    He smiled. This was going to be good.
    "You've been doing your homework I see."
    "If you want to call a ten minute Google
search homework, then yes, I did some homework. Something tells me
the research you did on me took a little more than an internet
    "Dear oh dear, we are a bit grumpy this
evening, aren't we Ms. Maldon?"
    "I'm standing in the sweat pants I went for a
run in three hours ago and I'm a prisoner in your, admittedly
gorgeous, home; should I be singing choruses from the Sound of
    "You really are something." He said with
obvious pleasure. "I've never met one quite like you before."
    His use of the word 'one' brought Katy back
to reality. This wasn't a fantasy date with a supermodel rich
enough to outbid Bill Gates, she was here under duress to stay one
step ahead of the Russian Mafia, the police and the FBI, and if
that wasn't enough she would soon have one of the smartest men she
had ever met digging into her past for his off the wall sexual
gratification. Add to this the insane best friend outside who
essentially had her on the clock with a mission to satisfy all of
his boss's perverted needs within the next twenty-four hours and
the atmosphere became something less than romantic.
    She put her hand to her forehead and looked
around the deck, over into the house and then back out over the
dark ocean.
    "Clayton…" It was the first time she had said
his name.
    "Clayton, I don’t feel so good…" The room
began to spin around her, the feeling of disorientation making her
nauseous. Had she moved far enough away from the steps she had
climbed to get to the deck yet? Jesus, she would break her neck if
she fell back down there.
    She felt the ground go from under her feet
and saw blackness; the inky darkness of the clouded night sky above
them seemed to move in slow motion and then her vision was filled
with two most beautiful eyes she could imagine.
    For a moment she didn’t recognize them.
    The black night was replaced by soft light
and soft, warm, comforting interior colors. She was indoors.
    "Where am I?" She said looking up into the
eyes still gazing down at her.
    "It's okay." The voice was so deep, so soft,
so comforting and powerful. "It's okay. I've got you. Everything is
okay. You're safe here. Everything is okay."
    She shook her head and looked into those
beautiful eyes again, so dark, so brown, so profound and intense,
and then recoiled. They were piercing eyes, not soft; inquiring,
watching, not caring.
    Recognition returned and she looked around at
the immense living room that dwarfed her entire house on the
    "It’s okay." Clayton repeated. "Nothing can
happen to you here. I've got you."
    She pushed herself up from the couch he had
laid her on.
    "I'm sorry." She said. "I don’t know what
happened just there… it's been a long day."
    "it's okay." He said, and brushed a loose
strand of hair out of her eyes. The gesture was intensely caring
and personal, but also so very sensual. A vibration of incredible
attraction ran through her. They had been so close again; he had
lifted her in his arms and for a moment had stared into her eyes
with such concern.
    Maybe giving in to him wouldn’t be so bad
after all.
    "I need to clean up." She said. "If you don’t
mind. Is there somewhere…"
    "Of course there is. I'll bring you to your
bedroom and you can freshen up there. Take all the time you
    Your bedroom. He had said your bedroom. As ridiculous as it was she felt a sting of
disappointment. Wasn't she his dream girl? No, that wasn't it. What
had Angel said; ideal fantasy fuck? If that was the case then
wouldn't he just take her to his bed and use her until she

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