His Secret Desire
like Angel said he would?
    "Thank you." She said. "We have a lot to get
through tonight. I won’t take long."
    She watched for a reaction to her words and
if they hadn't been so close together and so alone in that vast
room, it would have been impossible to see.
    But she did see it. She was sure of it. He
wanted her in a way the he didn’t even realize yet. No matter how
smart this guy thought he was, she was still on step ahead and she
would use it. Her survival depended upon it.
    Clayton swallowed hard and then stood up
quickly. The truth was that her sudden willingness to comply, right
there in his living room, had threatened to give him a hard on like
an Apollo moon rocket and he needed to get moving or make a fool
out of himself. It didn't happen like this. Involuntary erections
were not part of the plan. He needed to be in control while she
broke down and revealed herself to him. Then, and only then, would
the relationship become physical. After that it would be intense
and something neither of them would ever forget.
    "Step this way Ms. Maldon." He said and put
his hand out to take hers. Katy didn’t move.
    "That's not my real name." She said and
watched him go rigid with anticipation in front of her.
    "May I call you by your real name?" He said
softly, his dark eyes revealing little of the excitement he was
    "Maybe." She said as she took his hand and
stood up, holding his gaze. "Or maybe you need to earn that." She
watched him swallow hard again and then turn quickly to lead her
down the hall.
    "I look forward to earning that privilege."
He said.
    Katy trailed along like a rag doll in tow to
a bear. It was like nothing she had ever experienced with any other
man before. Again. She had always met men on equal terms, strictly
eye to eye, word for word, deed for deed and dollar for dollar -
but for Clayton Hargrave she was turned on to the core just
thinking about being his rich man's plaything.
    When they had met earlier that day she had
been in complete control of her world and he had just been a
prospective client who needed her expertise, but now that she knew
more about his particular tastes and motivations she could see that
she had been as innocent as a lamb playing with a lion's mane. It
had taken him only a matter of hours to strip her down to her
address, her phone number and even her real name for Christ's sake.
Step by step he was taking away all of her protections and
barriers, all of the walls she had set up around her to keep the
world out.
    His strong hand around hers felt immensely
controlling but immensely comforting at the same time. if he could
do this to someone like her, make her feel this way, then maybe he
really was capable of protecting her from the ruthless enemies of
her past, from the US government its secret services. Maybe she
wouldn't have to be the strong one all the time, alone in the world
except for an occasional voice at the end of a secure telephone
    "This is your room Ms Maldon. Take all the
time you need. I'll check back on you in thirty minutes. You can
leave your old clothes in the laundry basket. All the clothing
you'll need for the next twenty four hours will be in the closets
in your bedroom."
    "I hope you got my measurements right. I
don’t like things too tight or too loose."
    Clayton smiled.
    "Don’t worry." He said. "They'll fit
perfectly. Any complaints, just let me know."
    Of course he would already have her
measurements. Why wouldn't he? He had found out everything else
about her.
    He left her to her own devices and she
instinctively locked the door behind him as he left. Not that it
would matter. She presumed he would be able to get inside if he
wanted to but at least she would hear him enter. The room was warm
and inviting, just like the rest of the house and completely at
odds with the obsessive sexual goals that dominated Clayton
Hargrave's personal life.
    She was dying to get out of her old sweats
and headed straight to the bathroom. To

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