ballroom. “Will he even have time to
speak with us?”
“Trust me, Ashpin. Lord
Gracie’s one of the few individuals that manages his time very well.”
As the group settled
into their new surroundings, the smell of food peaked their interest along some
back tables. The main floor was accessible by descending a few steps, as the
room’s entrance was shared on either side by a grand staircase leading to a
second floor balcony. A small alcove off to the side had been arranged for
servants accompanying their masters, with the same treats as offered to the
wealthy. Dark tablecloths presented a pleasant contrast to the colorful
arrangements on each and drew many a curious gaze.
One of the tables
contained the main course. Upon further inspection, the prince took in the menu’s finest: turkey, stuffed hog with an apple in its
mouth, rabbit, venison, and quail. Everything had been garnished to perfection,
though it was the vegetables that held his fancy: steamed potatoes, peeled and
sliced, surrounded by steamed broccoli, with carrots and onions all mixed
together. There was cauliflower and several cabbages, zucchini, squash with a
mix of lettuces, turnips, and spinach. Further down the table was bread, along
with several jams and crackers. Then there were the desserts, all waiting in
cake-sized servings. Already, individuals were making use of their time before
the crowds hit to sample a few items.
“How will I know Lord
Gracie is here?”
“Hmmm?” Wisdom’s concentration snapped to the boy. “Oh,
you’ll know! Lord Gracie has a knack for drawing the most attention.”
The boy grinned.
“I’m sure he’ll be awhile to let all the
guests arrive. Least, that’s what he did last time. Why don’t you take some
time to look around? Who knows? Might get lucky and see your father here.” That
piqued the boy’s attention. While he immediately began scanning the room,
Wisdom offered Glory a drink.
While the rest of the
group mingled with other guests, the two walked arm and arm over to one of the
tables where a sweet smelling punch was being served. The red color swirled in
a glass dish while he ladled some into a cup and handed it to her. Thinly
sliced pieces of fruit floating within the bowl gave it a slight citrus flavor
when they took a sip.
“This is better than
before,” he said.
“That I’m not bound to
this place, and you don’t have to run home.”
Glory laughed. “I
remember that! Every time we met in this room, I was always called away.”
A tap to the shoulder
turned their attention to a familiar figure decked in crimson. A gold band kept
his wavy gray and brown hair in place while matching rings adorned his fingers.
“I do hope to
have first dance this evening.” Shafari, headmaster to the once infamous slave
compound of Castle Mire, greeted them with a slight nod. His usual crimson and
gold appearance was a memory in itself, as it brought instant flashbacks to
when Wisdom had been in slavery.
“Can magic-users
dance?” Wisdom teased.
Shafari smirked.
“You’d be surprised. How’re things now that you’re Prince? No trouble from the
ports, I take it.”
Wisdom shook his head.
“Not that I’m aware of.”
Glory, however,
frowned at the comment. “You don’t think Valor would show tonight, do you?”
Shafari rubbed his
curling goatee in thought. “Quite possible. But he
should know better than start anything, especially here.” He flashed a crooked
smile. “Besides, I’d hate to think of the panic two magic-users might cause if
such happened.”
“So your curses
returned,” Wisdom guessed.
“Pah! Wishful thinking
on my part,” Shafari muttered. “No, my lad. The fire
ordeal sealed away what was left of any magic I once had – something even
Jenario would be quite glad of now. You know, he was once quite jealous of me.”
you? Can’t
imagine why.” He grinned when Glory elbowed his side.
“Well, I hope you two
have resolved any