Behind the Pines (The Gass County Series Book 3)

Free Behind the Pines (The Gass County Series Book 3) by Unknown

Book: Behind the Pines (The Gass County Series Book 3) by Unknown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Unknown
hand, “it sounds to me that you think less of women than of men. Secondly, me cocky? You should find a mirror, so back off. I’m not scared of you being a man with a star on your chest.”
    “Before we go any further, put that bat down. And no, I’ve never implied you were less talented than a man. You just happen to be in places where I’m going and I’ve started to wonder why.”
    “Maybe they are coincidences or more,” she mumbled and with bat in hand she walked out of the bedroom and into the nice heat coming from the fireplace. She knew it held nothing more than a gas lamp but it seemed to add a nice ambience to the evening. Before sitting down on one of the two chairs by the camping table, reaching no more than two feet off the ground, she grabbed a ham sandwich wrapped in paper and seated herself.
    “Remind me again why you are here?” His presence made itself known by the way his hands rested stately on his hips, feet wide apart, hat back on his head. He was stunning. Suddenly Sunshine found it difficult to swallow the bite of sandwich rolling on her tongue. She gulped loudly and ogled him, tracing every detail on his body like when he had been on his own couch. Her eyes stopped at his face, grim and dark under the brim of his hat.
    His look alone made her wrap a blanket she’d felt behind her around her shoulders. “I’m borrowing this place from Gerald Lawner’s widow for a few days, until I return home.”
    “And why can’t you be home? You have that beast of a dog, and by the way, is he here also?” She noticed his hand reaching for the gun hanging from his belt, making her chuckle.
    “What’s so funny?”
    “You.” She smiled and pulled up her feet onto the seat.
    “I’m not afraid of dogs, if that’s what you’re implying.” He quickly closed the distance between them and seated himself in the chair next to hers, leaning against its hard back.
    “Being by myself in the trailer while Brutus is in surgery wasn’t very comforting, and seeing that William at the grocery store knew Mrs. Lawner, they thought I should stay within these walls, behind a solid door and windows until the hunt is over. So.” She reached over to touch his knee, noticing rigidity grip his entire being, his eyes locked on her hand. “How is that hunt going, Sheriff? I’m counting on you for a safe homecoming.”
    His jaw tightened and he stood, letting her hand fall to the ground. “No leads yet. I’m sorry if that has caused you problems. The state police are doing their best to find clues to where Mr. Hemmerson may be located.”
    Brody’s pocket buzzed and he excused himself to take the call outside in the cold. Not two minutes later he stepped back in, took off his hat and, with that, hung his jacket on the top of the door. “Looks like I’m staying the night,” he said, and then coughed. “The belt on my car isn’t replaced yet, and Mrs. Wilder demanded I stay to make sure you’re okay for the night, seeing you’re neither an escaped prisoner nor a ghost after all.”
    Chapter Fourteen
    The dark-brown Stetson rested on the doorknob and Brody, looking down at his watch, noticed it was almost midnight. He’d been surprised they’d held a conversation for nearly two hours, enjoying the warmth from the fireplace and surprisingly the company of each other.
    “I’m sorry I had to make you leave my guest room. It was just that . . . well I forgot I had already promised Wayne he could stay, getting out of hospital and all.”
    Sunshine smiled and snuggled into the blanket wrapped around her as she took another sip of the watery instant coffee she’d finished heating on the miniature stove. They’d left the chairs behind and moved to the floor closer to the fireplace. She had seen Brody sleeping before, in nothing but underwear, thus seeing him in the corner of her eye stretched out in uniform, resting his hands on his rolled up jacket, made memories flutter in her mind, causing a heat to

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