Free HUNTER by Cordelia Blanc

Book: HUNTER by Cordelia Blanc Read Free Book Online
Authors: Cordelia Blanc
    Hunter pumps his cock faster still, his eyes closed, his muscles tense. He’s muttering my name under his breath. He wishes he could just bend me over, stick it in me, and fuck me until my muscles go weak and I squirt all over his dick.
    Then, he pulls out and flips me over just in time for his warm come to spray my tits.
    I came. “Oh shit,” I said aloud, my hands down my pants and my legs convulsing. A shudder of pure elation surged through my body and my body was suddenly weightless, warm, as if Hunter was holding me tightly in his thick arms.
    I opened my eyes, pulled my hands out from my panties. I looked around the room, overwhelmed by the sudden anxiety that Liam was home. He wasn’t, thank God.
    But now I had another excuse to clean. My fingers were dripping wet and my crotch was damp. I’d squirted. I hadn’t done that since…
    Since I slept with Hunter.


    The internet had come a long way since I left for the Congo, which I discovered with a quick stop in at the local library. It had come such a long way that I barely knew how to use the damn thing. I had to get one of the librarians to help me, which I was happy to do, seeing as the librarian was a surprisingly young and surprisingly hot woman.
    She was the complete opposite of the librarian stereotype, save for the pair of glasses that sat at the end of her nose. “What do you want to do?” she asked, taking the seat behind the computer and aligning her fingers at the keys. She smelt like flowers and horny nightclubs.
    “I was just hoping to look up an old friend,” I said.
    “The best way to do that is with a Facebook account. Do you have one?”
    “No.” I didn’t know what that was, but she set one up for me, and tried to show me how to use it.
    It was mostly gibberish, though I got the part where she said, “Type your friend’s name in here and you should be able to find him.” She was right. I found Liam Silverstone of Nintipi, Kansas; occupation: Junior Foreman at Nextek Solutions. He only had a couple of pictures posted, mostly of him slamming cans of cheap beer and a couple pictures of him holding up a dead buck by the antlers.
    There was only one photo of him and Kyla. He was trying to look tough, scowling into the camera. It made me wonder what Kyla saw in the loser. In the photo, she was sitting next to him, with her legs across his lap—those thick, juicy legs. She had a big smile on but she didn’t look happy. I knew what Kyla’s smile looked like, and that wasn’t it.
    Liam’s final picture was of him in the Middle East, dressed in full camo, holding an M240 machine gun. Son of a bitch was a US Marine. I was more surprised at myself for not suspecting as much based on his other pictures—and the fact every second asshole in Nintipi went into the Marines, myself included.
    I didn’t even have to type Nextek Solutions into a search engine. The website told me all I needed to know with a single click.
    My librarian helper came back to check on me. “Everything working for you?” I swear her blouse was open one button lower than before. She still smelled like flowers and horny nightclubs.
    “Yeah, thanks. I think I got all I needed.”
    “Aren’t you Hunter Sykes?” she said. “I mean—Sergeant Sykes.”
    “I saw you on the news. Were you really in a P.O.W. camp for five years?” Her eyes lit up as if it were some kind of achievement.
    “Yeah. Four and a half, really.”
    “That’s incredible. I bet you have some amazing stories.”
    “If that’s what you want to call them,” I said with a laugh.
    She put on her best sad puppy face and bit her lip. “It must have been really hard. I’m sorry.” She wanted me to fuck her. I’ve seen those glowing eyes and that little lip-bite more times than I could count—and it always meant the same thing.
    She would have been a good time. I

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