The Kasparov Agenda (Omega Ops Legion Book 1)

Free The Kasparov Agenda (Omega Ops Legion Book 1) by C.S. De Mel

Book: The Kasparov Agenda (Omega Ops Legion Book 1) by C.S. De Mel Read Free Book Online
Authors: C.S. De Mel
man was made visible by whatever sunlight was seeping in through the dusty window. He was sprawled across the floor, limbs spread. “Looks dead,” Roy whispered.
    “I can’t hear anything inside,” Henry informed. “Who knows if there’s anyone else in there.”
    “Well, let’s take a look, then,” Laura instructed. “On alert, people.” The officers drew their weapons and, with Varick, slipped inside through the warehouse side door. Henry turned on his flashlight.
    “You need a piece, Varick?” Laura asked.
    “Nah,” Varick replied absentmindedly, while he scanned the warehouse. It was eerily quiet inside. “With you three packing, I feel plenty safe.”
    The group walked through the warehouse to where they had seen the body. Upon reaching the spot, Henry pointed his flashlight at the large figure on the floor. It was clear the man was dead—he was lying in a pool of blood.
    Varick looked him over. “Severe blunt trauma to the side of his head. His skull seems to be caved in.”
    “Well, that’s inviting,” Roy muttered, tightening his grip on his pistol.
    Laura pulled out the photograph from her pocket. She studied it, then eyed the corpse. “It’s Wyler.”
    “Jeez. I’d hate to meet the guy who could take out a 280-pound meathead with brute force,” Roy remarked. Suddenly, noises could be heard from a small office room at the north-east corner of the warehouse— a loud scraping sound .
    “You just had to open your big mouth, didn’t you, Roy?” Henry muttered.
    Roy smiled, despite himself. “It’s what I do.”
    The door to the office creaked opened. Varick and the three officers watched in anticipation. The frame of the doorway was barely able to contain the figure that emerged from it. This figure was so massive that he was forced to duck his head and exit the office sideways to fit through. Henry instinctively pointed the flashlight towards the office, and a bright emerald reflection nearly blinded the four of them with its sheer brilliance.
    “Well-well-well, what do we have here? Some rodents scurrying around in the dark...”
    “Oh hell,” Varick muttered.
    “Stay where you are!” Laura ordered. She had her gun trained on the hulking figure. Roy and Henry jarred out of their initial shock and followed Laura’s lead and aimed their guns.
    “Go…leave now,” Varick instructed the three officers. “I’ll handle this.”
    “Varick? Is that you, pipsqueak?” The unknown figure’s massive hand scoured the wall, hitting all the light switches in one swipe. The warehouse lights flickered on and provided a dimly lit ambiance.
    Roy squinted. “Yeah...I think we were better off without the lights.” A shimmering emerald-green helmet adorned the yellow giant’s head, who stood well over eight feet. The police officers were taken aback by the bizarre appearance of their target.
    Henry went slack-jawed as he stared at the giant, more confused than anything. “What— is he ?”
    “You know this monstrosity, Varick?” Laura questioned.
    “Yeah. Gregory Pike, one of Scorcher’s grunts. I’ve tangled with him a few times.”
    “Well, he is one big freakin’ grunt,” Roy muttered.
    Gregory Pike began to laugh in loud bellowing heaves. “And you brought friends along.” He began to advance.
    “I said stay where you are!” Laura ordered once more. “We’ll open fire!”
    “Really?” Pike smiled. “Just met and already trying to dominate. You stupid girl.” He stepped forward.
    “Get out now !” Varick yelled.
    Laura fired. A single shot struck Pike’s lower abdomen. Pike staggered, taking two steps back. The bullet itself bounced off the flexible protective vest Pike was wearing. The dark-green vest glimmered for an instant where the bullet had struck. Gregory Pike looked directly at Laura and let out a low growl. He charged .
    Pike shielded his face with his gauntlets as Roy and Henry shot at him. The bullets simply bounced off his chest while Pike closed in.

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