Zombies in Paradise (Love in the Age of Zombies Book 2)

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Book: Zombies in Paradise (Love in the Age of Zombies Book 2) by James K. Evans Read Free Book Online
Authors: James K. Evans
you treat it? Does she need to stay in bed, or exercise, or take some kind of pill or what?”
    “Not too many years ago, bed-rest was recommended for patients with preeclampsia. But there’s little evidence it helps. Low doses of aspirin are recommended as are blood pressure meds. Magnesium sulfate is prescribed in severe cases. But the only cure for preeclampsia is delivery of the baby. In some cases, when the mother’s health or baby’s health deteriorates, we induce early labor or perform a C-section. However, that’s only recommended when the pregnancy is near full-term.”
    Michelle spoke up. “So you want to check the protein level in my urine. Whether it comes back high or not won’t change our situation. We’ll still be here, just the three of us. It’s not like there’s much you can do.”
    “Michelle, you need to look at the big picture. If we have to induce labor or if we must do an emergency C-section, there are all kinds of possible complications, not the least being blood loss.” He turned to me. “Kevin, what’s your blood type?”
    “Same here,” he said, “that’s good to know. Michelle?”
    “I’m O-negative.”
    “That could be a serious problem. If you hemorrhage, neither of us could give you a transfusion.”
    “That still doesn’t change our situation. It’s not like we have a lot of options. I’ll just have to be careful.”
    “That’s not good enough,” Kevin countered. “I am not going to risk losing you. There have to be other options. Like the hospital in Frankfort.”
    “Kevin, we don’t even know for sure if it’s open. What are you suggesting, that the three of us risk a journey to Frankfort, traveling hundreds of miles through zombie-land and maybe facing mercenaries, only to find out the broadcast was wrong and Frankfort is overrun?”
    “I’m not suggesting that. I’m bringing it up as an option. We have to find out if the hospital’s open. Can we use our shortwave to talk to them?”
    “Your radio had enough trouble broadcasting as far as my home in Atlanta. I don’t think we can expect to reach Frankfort.”
    “We could install a better antenna. Maybe boost the signal somehow. We could do it.”
    Doc shook his head. “No, Kevin, we probably can’t. It’s not like we can drive to the local Radio Shack and buy what we need. I’m afraid Frankfort will have to remain an unknown factor.”
    “Okay, but let’s say the hospital is open. Would they be able to take care of Michelle and the baby?”
    “How should I know? Even if they are open, do they have a blood bank? Do they have doctors and nurses and equipment? How could they have a working hospital without power? The grid is down. Generators would have run out of fuel long ago. With no power there’s no refrigeration. No refrigeration means a lot of standard drugs are no longer viable. For that matter, there would be no blood bank without refrigeration. I think you’re indulging in wishful thinking.”
    This talk of blood and drugs and hospitals and Michelle losing the baby and maybe dying from blood loss was pushing Kevin near panic and he lashed out. “Don’t give me that shit! I’m not engaging in wishful thinking. You heard the broadcast. They said they had a working hospital. A working hospital implies power and drugs and doctors and nurses and equipment. If there’s even the slightest chance of the hospital being open, we’d be stupid not to check it out. You want to stay here and play doctor to my pregnant wife, fine. But I’m going to find out if the hospital is open.”
    “And how are you going to do that? Your car won’t run. Her car won’t run. You’re not taking my Jeep. What are you suggesting, you and Michelle go on a little bike ride to find out?”
    “Yes! I mean, no! Not me and Michelle. Just me. I’ll ride my bike! It’s only a couple hundred miles. I could do that in two or three days, four days tops. If I go by myself I can make it a short and

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