Decked with Folly

Free Decked with Folly by Kate Kingsbury

Book: Decked with Folly by Kate Kingsbury Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kate Kingsbury
took a deep breath. No. She could not, would not believe Gertie McBride was a killer. “Sam,” she said, silently cursing the tremor in her voice, “I know you are in a great hurry to begin your Christmas holiday. Arresting Gertie and questioning her will take time. All the paperwork, for instance. What’s more, Gertie has the afternoon off. I believe she has taken the twins out for a walk. She won’t be back for at least another hour or two.”
    She leaned forward, giving him her warmest smile. “Can’t this wait until you get back? That way you can start off your holiday without upsetting your wife, whom I know must be anxiously waiting for you right now.”
    Northcott wavered, uncertainty all over his face. “Well, it’s not proper procedure, is it.”
    “We could make absolutely certain that once Gertie returns to the hotel, she will not be allowed to leave again until you return.” Cecily glanced at Baxter, who finally found his tongue.
    “House arrest.” He nodded to emphasize his words. “That’s what we’ll do. We’ll hold Gertie under house arrest. She won’t make a move without us knowing it.”
    Hope crept across Northcott’s ruddy features. “Well . . . if you think . . .”
    “Absolutely.” Baxter thrust out his hand. “You have my solemn word on it. Gertie will be under our care until you can arrest her properly.”
    Cecily made a small sound of protest but Baxter frowned at her, warning her to keep silent.
    “All right, then.” Northcott folded his notebook and tucked it in the vest pocket of his uniform. “In that case, I’ll be off.”
    Heaving a huge sigh of relief, Cecily rose from her chair. “Thank you, Sam. We do appreciate your understanding.”
    Northcott struggled to his feet and wagged a finger at her. “Mark my words, Mrs. Baxter. If I come back to find Gertie has scarpered, I shall come down on you very hard.” He leaned forward to make his point. “Very ’ard indeed.”
    Longing to bite the finger pointed at her, Cecily nodded. “I understand. Happy Christmas, Sam.”
    Northcott nodded, then turned to Baxter. “I hold you entirely responsible for the prisoner until I get back. I hope that’s understood.”
    “Have no fear my good man.” Baxter slapped him on the shoulder so hard the constable stumbled forward. “We will take good care of her.”
    Coughing, Northcott glared at him. “Make sure you do.” He reached the door and looked back over his shoulder. “Happy Christmas all.”
    The door closed behind him, and Cecily sank weakly onto the chair. “Goodness, that was a close shave. I had visions of Gertie spending Christmas all alone in that miserable jail. Can you imagine those poor babies if their mother wasn’t there for Christmas morning?” She shuddered. “I just can’t stand the thought of it.”
    “It’s not over yet,” Baxter said grimly. “What did Northcott mean about Gertie being the last person to see Ian alive?”
    “I don’t know. But I’m certainly going to find out.” Cecily leaned back and grasped the bell rope behind her. Giving it a sharp tug, she added, “I had no idea Gertie had seen Ian, or even knew he had come down to Badgers End.”
    “I thought you said Gertie had gone for a walk with the twins.”
    “So she will be.” Cecily smiled. “But not for another hour.”
    Baxter shook his head. “Devious.” He stuck his thumbs into his trouser pockets and rocked back on his heels. “You don’t think that Gertie might have—”
    “No,” Cecily said, cutting him off before he could say the words. “I don’t.”
    “Well, neither do I, of course, but I have heard her threaten to kill him if he came near the twins again.”
    “You have also heard me say I’d divorce you if you kept ordering me about.”
    His wry expression was comical and she smiled. “You know full well I’d never carry out that threat.”
    “Well, yes, but that’s a little different.”
    Her smile faded. “Gertie didn’t kill Ian. She can

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