Her Forever Cowboy

Free Her Forever Cowboy by Debra Clopton

Book: Her Forever Cowboy by Debra Clopton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Debra Clopton
concerned—the few she’d tried dating. They always never lasted because she had to put her work first. Building a business wasn’t easy. Especially in a man’s world. It caused them to think she was bossy. Bossy! That word ate at her. But it was the fact that she always picked men who couldn’t appreciate her for the person she was or what she did for a living.
    â€œI’m not falling for the guy, Betty. I didn’t ask him to come back to town. I also didn’t ask him to be the one who found me when I drove off the road. But as much as I hate admitting it, he was there and the situation could have been much worse. And if it had been worse he would have been someone good to be there to help me.”
    Betty looked apologetic. “I know, honey. I can’t argue that he’s not a good man—my goodness, lookwhat he does for a livin’. But he just isn’t the right one for you. You know I worry about you.”
    â€œBetty, I have this under control.” She glanced at the clock and knew if she was going to break the contracting news she needed to do it soon. “Actually, I need to tell you something before appointments start rolling in.”
    â€œWhy is it I suddenly get the idea I ain’t gonna like what you’ve got to say?”
    Susan cleared her throat. “I don’t think you are. But it couldn’t be helped or, believe me, I would have done something different.”
    Betty’s green eyes narrowed.
    Susan gulped— she never gulped! “I hired him to take over the construction on the clinic.”
    Betty whacked the appointment book. “Well, if that just don’t beat all. What were you thinking?”
    â€œWell, I needed someone and he was available.” Susan’s temper flared. What else did Betty expect her to do?
    â€œThat may be so. But you better be on guard is all I’ve got to say. I’ve said my piece.” She clamped her mouth shut for five seconds. “And further more, if you think I’m gonna smile and make nice when I know what he’s up to—well,” she harrumphed. “Then you better just tell Mr. Cole Turner he don’t need to be comin’ around here, ’cause I’ll put a finger in his chest and back him up to that there door so fast he’ll think a herd of bulls done ran slap over him!”
    What did she think Cole was up to anyway? The man was simply helping her out of a hard situation… and now you’re taking up for the man? “Betty, really, you are overreacting.” She was relieved to see a truck drive up. “It looks like the day is about to begin.”
    Betty grinned as she picked up her pencil and plopped into her chair behind the reception desk. “And ain’t that just lucky for you. I’ll shut up now.”
    â€œOh, but I’m certain it’ll only be for a few minutes.” Susan laughed and headed toward her office, still confused about what exactly Betty thought Cole was up to.
    Behind her Betty’s grumble was loud and clear. “You got that right.”
    â€œSo is Wyatt coming to town or what?” Cole asked his brother as he buttered biscuits. He’d squeezed in some time with Seth and his new sister-in-law before heading over to get things rolling at his new job—the job he was still a little startled to have.
    â€œYour guess is as good as mine,” Seth said as he set a plate of sausage and bacon on the table while Melody finished dishing up the scrambled eggs at the stove. “Didn’t he tell you it would be Wednesday or Thursday?”
    â€œYeah, but I’ll believe it when I see it.”
    â€œOh, I hope he does,” Melody said. “Seth, did you know he was supposed to be coming home?”
    Seth nodded at her and Cole caught the glimmer of love in his brother’s eyes as they connected with his new wife’s. Cole really was happy for them. His heart still tugged

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