Bonded to the Pack (Born to be Were)

Free Bonded to the Pack (Born to be Were) by Donna Flynn

Book: Bonded to the Pack (Born to be Were) by Donna Flynn Read Free Book Online
Authors: Donna Flynn
her dress.
    “This thing is pretty, but it’s a nightmare
to go to the bathroom in,” Gina said as she walked to the sink and began
washing her hands.  She looked at her friend who stared at her in the mirror
saying nothing, and frowned. “Are you alright?” she asked.
    Mercy blinked and smiled. “I’m fine, let’s
go dance.” She grabbed Gina’s hand, they walked out to where Alec waited, and
she pulled him to the dance floor as another slow song began to play.
    “Are you alright?” Alec asked looking at
her with concern, noting how oddly excited she seemed.
    Mercy looked up at the man she loved
more than anything in the world, wanting only to dance and have a good time. For
the first time she really was okay with the way things had turned out in her
life. She would miss her friends and the carefree life of a teenager, but she
relished her future with Alec and looked forward to being by his side for the
rest of her long existence. “I’m fine,” she said, hugging him tight.
“Everything is just perfect”
    Mercy snuggled into Alec’s arms as the limo
drove up the long winding mountain roads towards home, happy and content that
the night had gone so well. After his one loss of control, Alec managed to pull
it together and they had spent the rest of the night dancing and laughing with
their friends. It had been a magical, stress-free evening and she hated to see
it end, but as she stifled a yawn, she realized she didn’t have the stamina to
continue on anyway. 
    “Tired, love?” Alec asked playing with a
loose curl of her hair.
    “I am, but I hate for this to end,” she
confided, squeezing his other hand.
    “This is just the beginning for us,
Angel. We have so many things to look forward to in our lives together.” He
brushed his lips across her forehead and hugged her close.
    “Like what?” she asked tiredly.
    Alec smiled. “There’s graduation, the
bonding ceremony, our honeymoon, children.”
    Mercy stroked the back of his hand and
smiled. “You have thought about our children?”
    “Of course,” he said looking offended.
“What kind of male would I be not to think about our son, who will take my
place as Alpha someday?” He pictured a young boy of ten, his chestnut hair like
his own as he smiled up at him, holding a fishing pole in one hand and a string
of fish in the other.
    “A boy, huh? You are aware it could be a
girl?” Mercy teased.
    Alec pictured her too, a pretty little
thing with long curly Titian hair like her mother’s, with eyes so big and green
it was like looking into an emerald. “I like that, a little Angel like her
mother, whom I can spoil rotten.”
    “You know, children grow up.  If we have
a girl you will have to beat the boys away with a stick,” she told him,
laughing as he frowned at the thought.
    “All male offspring then,” he said
kissing her to cut off her objection.
    “Sir, we are here,” the driver said
through the crack of the window he had rolled down to speak to them.
     Alec thanked the driver and helped
Mercy gather her belongings as they pulled to a stop in front of her house. The
driver opened the door and Alec once again got out, then turned to help her,
before tipping the man generously and saying goodnight. They watched as the car
drove off, standing together, neither one ready to say goodnight.
    “I had the best time,” Mercy said, her
shoes dangling from one finger as she leaned into him, wanting another kiss.
    “Me too,” Alec said, his lips seeking
hers, giving her what she longed for.
    The porch light flicked on and Mercy
could see Lucan outlined against the screen door and she knew the night had
come to an end. “I have to go,” she said regretfully.
    “I know, but soon you will never have to
leave me again, and I will get to hold you in my arms all night.”
    “You know just how to make me smile,”
she said, running up the stairs of the porch and blowing him a kiss before
walking inside.
    Alec turned away,

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