ROMANCE: Biker Club Romance: Infernal Affairs (Alpha Males playing Wicked Games MC Ride Romance New Adult Romance) (Unlawful Secret baby Undercover cop romance Series)

Free ROMANCE: Biker Club Romance: Infernal Affairs (Alpha Males playing Wicked Games MC Ride Romance New Adult Romance) (Unlawful Secret baby Undercover cop romance Series) by Linda Wright

Book: ROMANCE: Biker Club Romance: Infernal Affairs (Alpha Males playing Wicked Games MC Ride Romance New Adult Romance) (Unlawful Secret baby Undercover cop romance Series) by Linda Wright Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linda Wright
they’re not exactly living in this century, either.”
    I frowned.  “You’re not like that, though.  Are you?”
    His eyes trailed down my body and he blew out a long breath.  “Not usually. I was raised by a tough woman.  I learned not to disrespect woman the hard way.  She’d beat my ass and then make my dad do it again when he got home if I was disrespectful.  I’m having a hard time thinking with that respectful part of my brain right now, though.”
    I felt like a bolt of electricity shot through my body.  He was wearing another bandana and I took pleasure in pushing it off of his head.  I shoved my fingers into his hair and tugged his head down to me so I could press my mouth against his. 
    As far as first kisses went it was one to write home about.  His mouth was warm and soft, a drastic difference to the roughness of his facial hair.  His hands immediately moved to my head and his thumbs stroked over my cheeks as he tilted my head to deepen the kiss.  When his tongue brushed over my lips I opened for him and instantly felt my world tilt.  The man tasted like chocolate. 
    Paul had never tasted like chocolate.  I’d never kissed a man who did.  My mind reeled and I had to get closer to Ramsey.  I practically climbed his large body to get closer.  He moved his hands to my ass and held me against him.  I locked my ankles behind his back and moaned into his mouth.
    Ramsey nipped my bottom lip and then ran his tongue over it.  “How could anyone ever think you were cold?  You’ve been nothing but fire since I met you.  Fire in my hands and I can’t get enough.”
    I kissed across his jaw and down his neck.  My teeth snagged on his skin but I was fast to sooth the sting with my tongue.  I moved to his ear and sucked the lobe into my mouth before gently biting it.  “No matter who knocks we ignore them.”
    He grunted and pried me off of him long enough to reach between us and rip my shirt over my head.  His eyes were fevered and hungry as they trailed down my naked body.  “Fuck.  That sidewalk had nothing on the real thing.”
    Laughter spilled from my lips and I hit his arm.  “Shut up.”
    He shrugged out of his jacket with my hands helping him.  Next went his heavy boots.  I ended up knocking over a statue Paul left when I whipped Ramsey’s belt out of the loops and across the room.  I didn’t pause to pick up the broken pieces.
    His mouth was molten lava moving over my skin constantly.  He kissed burning trails down my neck and across my chest while I fought to get this shirt off over his head.  “Leave it.  I’m busy.”
    I moaned as his mouth sucked on an especially sensitive part of my neck.  My hands never stopped moving over his chest, though.  “Can’t.  I need to see you.”
    He broke away from me for the second it took to rip the shirt off.  It sailed across the room and knocked a picture frame off the shelf.  More glass shattered.  It didn’t matter.  Suddenly his chest was bare in front of me and I couldn’t think.  It was solid muscle in the form of lots of lovely ridges and dips.  I made plans to run my tongue between every one of his abs.  Another time. 
    I lowered my mouth and gently bit down on his chest. Tattoos covered most of his skin there.  I saw the Night Rider’s name printed there and trailed my nails down it.
    “Fuck, Kasey!”  Ramsey grunted when my teeth raked across his nipple. 
    I squealed as he lifted me and held me so my chest was in his face.  He eagerly took one of my nipples into his mouth and sucked.  As fast as it happened it was over.  He shifted me so that his hands were cupping my ass and spun around.  He knocked over a side table and a lamp fell over.
    “Jesus.  This place is a death trap.  Which way to the bedroom?”
    “Back there.”  I tried pointing but he wasn’t looking. 
    Ramsey was already walking towards the back of the apartment.  When we got to the bedroom he tossed me onto the bed

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