Forced into Submission

Free Forced into Submission by Lorna Snowdon

Book: Forced into Submission by Lorna Snowdon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lorna Snowdon
why Stacy had such a hold. Nothing made sense to me. The day passed with me performing like a trained seal for her. Mundane tasks and sexual pleasures and always the teasing that kept me wanting, wanting, wanting.
    Evening came and the doorbell rang. She had invited some friends for dinner and me. I served and they humiliated. My friends came but there was no gloating anymore. I was dead as a friend. I was Stacy’s slave and they knew it. My friends used my mouth like I they had forgotten who I was.
    I hadn’t forgotten. I kept my mind closed and waited. I was beaten and Stacy knew it. It was only a matter of time before I gave her what she wanted. I was finished but… That word ‘but’ is what a girl like Stacy could never understand. It was the pinprick that still shone in the blackness.
    After they left she tied my wrists to the wall and beat me. She varied the blows so they hurt and excited. I was crying in pain and begging for pleasure before she stopped. The big clock in the living room chimed out eleven chimes. I had twenty-five hours to go.
    “Are you ready to give me what I want yet, Pam?” she asked reasonably.
    Some measure of my anger came back. I had no reason to believe that I could defeat her but I wouldn’t give in. We were bound together now by this horror and yet I knew that if the positions had been reversed I would not have let her hold out this long. I looked at her and tried to understand why she didn’t finish it. I shook my head.
    “I didn’t think so, Pam,” she said softly, kissing my lips so tenderly that I almost spoke those words she wanted. “We are a lot alike you and I.”
    I recoiled. That couldn’t be. I would have been much worse if I had wanted what she wanted. I raised my face to her and she kissed me again. A tingle shot down my body. I was lost and I didn’t know if I could ever find my way again.
    “It’s eleven,” she said. “I want to show you how helpless you are. I am going to make you agree before that clock strikes twelve.”
    I tried to hold her back but she made love to me like she knew. I tried to move away but she was always ahead of me. She brought me to the edge of the universe and made me stand there until I knew that death was better and I whispered what she wanted. She stopped and didn’t let me over.
    The clock struck twelve and I felt so defeated I hung by my wrists hoping the pain would help me forget. She let me down and held me through the night and in the morning she brought me coffee.
    “I know that didn’t count last night, Pam,” she said, “but tonight there will be witnesses.”
    She let me rest all day. At six Ashlee and Barbara showed up and I was servant girl again. They drank and talked and I fetched and carried. At eight thirty Ashlee told me to get her cell from her purse in the living room. It was only a pinprick but the pinprick flashed and I knew the way out.
    Stacy didn’t seem to be in any mood to take chances. She had proven she could break me in an hour but it had been close. She tied me to the wall right after the clock chimed out ten.
    “Pam,” she said, “I want to give you a final choice. My final offer still stands. If you agree I will cut you down and the bet is off. If I have to make you say yes then your yes will be to permanent slavery.”
    I looked at her and the coldness crept back into my eyes. She smiled but I could see the uncertainty. She was so sure she knew me, how could I still resist? I let the coldness become frost.
    “Stacy, I won’t be as lenient as you have been,” I said.
    That rocked her. The uncertainty turned to fear but only for an instant. She was tough and she was strong but… she wasn’t me.
    She started on me and it was torture. I could have dropped myself into the abyss she presented and never cared to come up again. I loved her. I wanted her but that kernel of pride that made me who I was remained.
    I was panting out my need. My heart felt like it would explode and I wanted so badly

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