A Green Knight and a Hot Night

Free A Green Knight and a Hot Night by Rona Valiere

Book: A Green Knight and a Hot Night by Rona Valiere Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rona Valiere
    Callie loved Barry —beyond question, beyond doubt . And how wonderful it was that they worked together and saw each other every day. Both were employed by Paradise Party Planners, an organization that focused more on corporate functions and huge galas than on simple birthday parties and other small affairs.
    Whatever a particular event called for in the way of lighting, it was Barry ' s job to oversee it. Callie ' s primary responsibility was floral placements. From a single rose in a bud vase to a plethora of potted palms, and whether real or one of the many artificial flowers and plants stored in Paradise ' s warehouse, Callie was the go-to gal when it came to greenery. She loved the challenges and the creative aspect of her job almost as much as she loved working with Barry.
    It was Robin who ruined everything for Callie. Robin was a client, the president of the Greenvale Better Government Organization, and she engaged the services of Paradise Party Planners to handle every detail of the organization ' s year-end awards banquet. She took an immediate fancy to Barry when he met with her to discuss her needs for lighting, and after that there were no holds barred. Robin pursued Barry unabashedly, and he seemed flattered that a woman of so much prestige and wealth would be interested in him. To Callie, Robin was just another cougar on the prowl, but Barry was flattered…and caught up.
    " You ' re acting like a lovesick puppy, " Callie told him as Barry once again stared with glazed eyes at Robin ' s retreating form after one of her visits to consult with the staff.
    " I don ' t know what you ' re talking about! " Barry ' s eyes flashed with indignation, and anger sparked in his denial.
    " If you really don ' t, you ' re the only one in the office who doesn ' t. " Callie ' s firmly declarative voice punctuated her statement emphatically, but it was a disagreement they would return to several times more before The Incident.
    The Incident occurred after Barry had gone to consult with Robin at her home—at Robin ' s request. He returned to the office smelling of something other than aftershave. Specifically, Callie recognized it as Beautiful by Estée Lauder. Callie knew the scent well and was aware that it was Robin ' s signature fragrance. When she turned Barry around to perform a sniff test on the back of his neck, she discovered a lipstick smear there .
    " Well, of course I smell of her perfume! " Barry exploded. " Wouldn ' t you expect me to hug her ' Hello ' ? "
    " It rubbed off t hat strongly from one little hug? " Callie asked scathingly. " And that still doesn ' t explain her lipstick on the back of your neck. Or do you have a convenient excuse for that, too? "
    But he didn ' t . In fact, despite his blustered, " Am I subject to a top-to-toe inspection every time I return to the office? " h is face appeared to be reddening more out of embarrassment or shame than out of anger .
    " You ' ve been cheating on me! "
    " Since when do you have such a suspicious mind? I won ' t put up with that kind of attitude! "
    " I don ' t hear you denying that you cheated. You ' re just accusing me to divert attention from your own guilt. "
    " If you don ' t trust me, we ' re finished! " Barry stormed.
    " Fine with me! "
    And just that quickly, a loving couple broke up and became antagonists.
    C lear ly Callie was going to need a new job. Staying at Paradise Party Planners and working alongside Barry seemed insufferable. She handed in her resignation even before she had found another position, but fortunately she soon secured a job managing a floral warehouse. Callie remained friends with a few of her old co-workers, though, and not long thereafter she heard from one of them that Barry had resigned, too. The reason for their breakup had become common knowledge, and popular sympathy was with Callie. Too many of her former co-workers were casting aspersions at Barry, and he could no longer be comfortable working

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