Loving Treasures

Free Loving Treasures by Gail Gaymer Martin

Book: Loving Treasures by Gail Gaymer Martin Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gail Gaymer Martin
have to make the best of it.
    As the boat drew closer to shore, Philip lowered the sails while Jemma made a second attempt at aiming the sloop toward shore. With the visual to guide her, she stood bravely at the helm.
    Once the sails were stowed, Philip started the motor and steered into the marina.
    Jemma watched Philip with admiration as he tied the boat to the pier. He worked with precision, knotting the lines to the moorings. When the vessel was secured, Jemma grabbed her shoulder bag before Philip helped her step to the broad wooden planks. She hesitated a moment, willing her trembling legs to relax.
    When she was ready, Philip led the way to the restaurant. After they had placed their orders, Jemma drew in a calming breath, overwhelmed by the day.
    “I’m totally at a loss for words,” she said, gazing at Philip’s sensitive face. “How do I thank you for showing me a world I might never have known?”
    “You don’t have to Jemma. You’re a unique, lovely woman, and it was my pleasure to enjoy your company.”
    His gentle look sent her heart aflutter. Love.
    Unique. Lovely. Words so foreign to her. Words that captured her imagination and sent her soaring.
    “Out there on the lake,” he said, “your face beamed with excitement…like a child’s.”
    Her winging spirit took a nosedive. Is that what he thought? She was a child to be entertained? He could take her to the circus. Buy her balloons and cotton candy. Was that all she was to him? Another outlet for his compulsive philanthropy?
    Philip’s face twisted and he fixed his palm against her forearm. “Jemma, please. I didn’t say that you are a child. By no means. You’re a woman. A delightful woman. Charming…and so young. You have so much life ahead of you.”
    Lovely, charming…and young. That final word destroyed the thoughts that had sent her flying. How could she tell Philip that age meant nothing to her? Lyle had been her age and she’d been miserable. Age had nothing to do with relationships. In Jemma’seyes, Philip was handsome, captivating…and young at heart. That’s what counted.
    She suppressed her frustration. “Philip, why do you insist on making yourself out to be Methuselah? You’re only fifty.”
    He lowered his eyes and stared at his fingers clasped on the table in a tight knot. “I am fifty, Jemma…and I only meant that there’s a wonderful world you’ve never experienced. I’m pleased to share a little of it with you.”
    A little of it? Jemma shifted her eyes toward the wide lake-view window, her focus drawn to the darkening horizon. She should be grateful to share a little, but at this moment, she would be grateful to share a lifetime with him.
    Hearing Jemma’s hesitant voice, Philip clenched the telephone to his ear. “What did you say?”
    She cleared her throat. “I said that, uh—well, Claire wants me to ask if the job offer is still…”
    Her voice faded, followed by a clatter of the receiver.
    “Philip?” Claire’s voice piped through the line.
    “Yes, I’m here.”
    “She’ll take forever at the rate she’s going,” Claire said, barreling through his response. “Jemma and I had a long talk this afternoon, and she’s decided to take you up on your offer if you still have an opening at the resort.”
    “Sure, Claire,” Philip said, discerning that Clairehad decided, not Jemma. “We can always use help.” The distorted truth sailed from his mouth. At the moment, as far as Philip knew, he had a full staff—but Jemma wanted his help and he had to do something. “Claire, put Jemma back on.”
    He heard Claire’s muffled instructions, and finally, Jemma’s soft voice reached him. “I’m back, Philip.”
    “Listen, Jemma, right now it’s probable that we only have an opening in Housekeeping, but I’m sure—”
    “Don’t apologize, please,” she said. “Housekeeping is fine. I don’t have skills for much of anything else anyway.”
    The ache in her voice cut through him, and he

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