Sally's Destiny - A short story of Love and Romance in the Scottish Highlands

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Book: Sally's Destiny - A short story of Love and Romance in the Scottish Highlands by A. J. Temple Read Free Book Online
Authors: A. J. Temple
winter, promising warm evenings by a roaring fire; and the early moon was already casting an eerie light over the surface of Loch Morlich , on whose banks the cabin rested.
    Sally was enchanted and just soaked in the atmosphere of the place, immediately transported to somewhere warm and cosy deep in the recesses of her mind.
    “Hello, Sally….are you ok?” The voice of Robert broke through the enchantment, but not in an unpleasant way, as she returned to the idyllic scene before her.
    “Ah, sorry…I was miles away – this place truly is enchanting Robert .”
    “Yes I must admit in this setting it is indeed, as long as the fire’s piled high!”
    The cabin door opened, creating as it did, an inviting path of warm light that rushed towards them.
    “Robert, is that you?”
    “Of course it is mum, who else would be visiting you on a night like this?”
    “Ha ha , never mind your cheek, I’ve been worried sick about you, you should have been here ages ago. Your dinner is burnt to the pot!”
    “Nothing unusual in that then is there!” Robert replied with a huge grin on his face.
    “Why you cheeky besom, I’ve a mind to give you a good hiding! Come away in before you catch your death in this cold.”
    Sally listened intently to the good natured banter, suddenly keen to meet the mother of her rescuer.
    “Just a wee minute mum, we have a visitor for your burnt offering!” He had reached the passenger door and helped Sally out, still wrapped in her plaid to keep warm.
    “Goodness me, well bring her in then, don’t just stand there dawdling or she’ll catch her death as well!”
    They both trudged their way through the building snow, and reached the shelter of the porch; Robert holding Sally close to him for fear she might fall – and enjoying every minute of it. Sally for her part leaned into him, and soaked up the positive energy that seemed to radiate from him, along with the fragrant scent of pine trees and wood-smoke .
    “Goodness me, your hurt!” Roberts mother called out with some alarm in her voice.
    “It’s ok mum, it’s just a scratch. We had a little road accident and Sally here ended up in a ditch.”
    “Just a wee scratch! The poor lass is bleeding all over the place! Hurry get her inside so I can have a look at it. You poor dear.” She spoke to Sally who was just a little bemused by the turn of events, but grateful for the obvious concern .
    “Do come in. My name is Agnes by the way; come and get yourself warm by the fire.”
    Sally was ushered into a fairly large open room, that hosted a huge wood burning stove as a center-piece. A table was set for two and a big ginger cat lay curled up in a basket next to the fire.
    “Have a seat over here my dear. Robert, go and get some warm water and a clean cloth – clean mind!”
    Robert and Sally exchanged bemused glances, as he headed off to the kitchen to do his mother’s bidding. 
    “Now my dear ..”
    “Please call me Sally.”
    “Ok, then Sally, now that we are introduced you can tell me what happened.”
    “It was stupid really , I swerved to avoid a big Stag that had jumped onto the road; the car went out of control and I ended up in a ditch. If it hadn’t been for your son, I don’t know what I would have done – he has been very kind to me.”
    “Hmm, I’m sure he has Sally; after all you’re not exactly unattractive, and he is not exactly averse to helping an attractive girl in distress!” She smiled mischievously, glancing across to Robert as he approached with the cloth and hot water.
    “Mum…I hope you are not filling our guests head with nonsense are you!”
    The women exchanged a look that told him everything.
    “I might have guessed! Don’t listen to her Sally or she will have you walking down the aisle with me by suppertime!”
    Sally just burst out laughing, a release of tension that was as spontaneous as it was infectious. She suddenly realised that she had not been as happy as this in years – despite her

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