Mistress of mistresses

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Book: Mistress of mistresses by E. R. Eddison Read Free Book Online
Authors: E. R. Eddison
Tags: Fantasy
the mortality of kynges is subgette unto the inconsederat and fyckle stoopes
and strypes of Fate noe les miserablely than comon mens mortallity, therfore in
cace the sayde Prynsace Antiopy should bee in time of My deth nat yet come unto
full aage of xviii yeeres, with addycyon of iii yeeres in consideracion that
shee is a wommon and that I doo
coumpt hir as nat fit to euse full dyscreccion and awtoritee tyll shee be full
xxi years of aage, I do
dyrect and wylle that the lorde Hoorius Parrye my wel loued and trusted servaunt being in some
degrie of My kynnedred or affinitie and being heereby confirmed by Me in his
estatt and roialle offyce as Vicaire on my behalve and my successours in my
befoare naymed kyngdame of Reerec shaibe protectour and wardeyne of my systyr
during her minorite and shall in Her name rewll the realme as Regent during
that time afoare sed and shall charisshe and care for Her diligently and
louyngly in al poincts as a Father should and in al things estudie hir propper
good and saftie and the inhansement of hir realme and soverainty. But as
touching my sayde kyngdam of Mezria—'

as touching Meszria,' said the Duke. '
thus far i' the bounds of reasonable surmise; though I might a looked to see my
royal sister entrusted to my care sooner than to so questionable a tutor. True
it is, I ne'er set eyes upon her, but I am
far nearer by blood and (or I should
hate myself else) far more to trust to.
    'Ere I proceed,' said Roder, 'I would inform your grace of this; hard for me to
say, but I pray bear with me. The King on's
death-bed did directly say to me that though he was at odds with the Vicar, he
did believe so great an honour as this is should bind him faithfully to the
royal interest, but your grace he did misdoubt (as he did openly say, but I did speak against it) of a secret determination to
usurp the kingdom, and so feared to entrust the Princess unto you.'

man,' said the Duke. Roder proceeded:

touching my sayde kyngdam of Mezria, save and exept the sayde apponage of
Zayjana as heerin befoare prouided, I do
point my wel beloued faythfull sarvante the Lorde Hy Amerall Ieronimy to rewill all the londe as Regent therof during my
sed Systyrs minorite and therafter as Shee shall of Hir roiall wylle and
pleasire determine of. And who some ere shall neglect contempne or sette on
syde any dysposicion of this My Testment, lat his life haue an erly a suddant
and an euill endinge and lat the Angre of the Goddes reste vpon him. Giuen
under my roiall seall and under myne hande in my pauylyoun bisyde Hornmeere in
Rerec this fourt day of Aprelle in the yeere of my raighne I.
    Styllys R.'

silence of little ease fell on their council when Roder ended his reading of
that testament. Except old Vandermast's not an eye was raised: those others
shrank, in that silence, from meeting Barganax's glance: Barganax himself sat
staring downward with a cat-like intention on the void table-top before him.
When he spoke at last it was in a strained voice, as if he rode wrath on the
curb, tight held yet ready to overleap at the least slackening of control all
bounds, all reason. 'You will libel me out a copy of that, my lord Chancellor,
certified under your hand and under his and his,' pointing with his eye at
Roder and Jeronimy.
answered and said, 'I will.'

must have half an hour to consider of this ere we pursue it further,' said the
Duke, still with that frightening tenseness in his voice. 'Vandermast, fill
out Rian wines for these lords and then attend me. And to you, sirs, I will say
this: I have warranted you safety and freedom in Acrozayana. But this shall you
know, and consider well of it: in case you shall not wait for me in this room
until I come back to talk with you, and in case I find you not here all three
when I do come again, that shall be in my eyes an act of war, my lord Admiral,
and I shall answer it as such.' With that word, as if the

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