This Broken Wondrous World

Free This Broken Wondrous World by Jon Skovron

Book: This Broken Wondrous World by Jon Skovron Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jon Skovron
most charming smile and held out his hand, but Ruthven only glanced at it and didn’t offer his own.
    â€œI should warn you, Henri, that your arrival will not be met with a great deal of enthusiasm from some of our company members. And perhaps a bit . . . too
enthusiasm from other members.”
    â€œThose are the ones to watch out for, mate,” Claire told him.
    â€œIndeed,” said Ruthven. “I have talked at length to all members about the importance of keeping this visit pleasant. But for your own safety, I suggest you remain with either Claire or Boy at all times while you are in the theater.”
    â€œI will do as you suggest,” said Henri. “And I just want to say thank you for allowing me into your home. I know this was not a decision you made easily.”
    â€œI am curious to see how this plays out,” said Ruthven. “Do not mistake that for approval.”
    â€œUnderstood, monsieur.”
    â€œNow then,” said Ruthven, “shall we be off?” Without waiting for an answer, he turned so that his coat swirled dramatically and walked toward the exit.
    â€œLaying it on a bit thick, isn’t he?” Claire muttered to me.
    â€œI know.” I grinned. “I’ve missed theater people.”

    CHARON WAS WAITING for us in the rental car. His brown, leathery skeleton face crinkled up into a smile when we climbed in the backseat.
    â€œBoy, it’s so good to see you!”
    â€œIt’s good to see you, too, Charon,” I said.
    â€œI hope you didn’t get into too much trouble in Switzerland.”
    â€œNo trouble,” I said.
    â€œExcept the mermaid,” said Claire.
    â€œMermaid?” asked Charon.
    â€œI tried to talk to her and she almost ate me. Reminded me of the really crazy ones they keep locked up at The Commune. Didn’t you used to have a mermaid in The Show for a while? How did you even fit her on the stage? She was massive.”
    Charon frowned. “Where did you meet her?”
    â€œLake Geneva.”
    â€œOh, you must have met a freshwater mermaid. Completely different species.”
    â€œDon’t tell me. Saltwater mermaids are sweet, adorable ladies with fish tails.”
    â€œMore or less.”
    Ruthven slid into the front passenger seat. “Take us to the hotel first, if you please, Ferryman.”
    â€œYou bet, boss.” Charon started the car up and eased us out into traffic.
    â€œHey, you’ve gotten a lot better at driving,” I said.
    â€œI’ve been practicing once a week,” he said. “It’s my hobby!”
    â€œEveryone needs one,” said Claire.
    â€œYou’re still the box office manager, though, aren’t you?” I asked.
    â€œOh, yeah. But we recently took in a pair of teenage goblinsisters and they’ve been helping me out. Customers love them. They think it’s part of the experience, like it’s only makeup. And they always get a kick out of it when one of the girls tells them something like, ‘Your eyes look delicious.’ They think she’s joking! Humans. So dumb.” He glanced at Henri. “No offense.”
    â€œNone taken,” said Henri. “They would not actually attack a customer, though, would they?”
    â€œJust the one time,” said Charon.
    â€œOne time?”
    â€œWell, they’re only monster, right? But Ruthven has a strict ‘Don’t eat where you sleep’ policy. He put the fear into them, and let me tell you, they will never do it again on theater property.”
    â€œWhat did you do to them, chief?” asked Claire.
    â€œI prefer to keep disciplinary matters private,” Ruthven said.
    â€œSo, Ruthven,” I said. “While we’ve got you more or less to ourselves, Claire and I were wondering if you’d heard about Robert Jekyll.”
    â€œThat he’s escaped from prison? Yes.”
    â€œAnd you know he’s got a

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