
Free Betrayed by Julia Crane

Book: Betrayed by Julia Crane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Julia Crane
“Don’t you have any questions? What are your thoughts? We’re worried how the others will take them.”
    He leaned back in his chair. “You are right to be worried. There have been other hybrids before. Many, as a matter of fact, but most are born with dormant powers so they have been of no concern. However, if what you say is true and they are indeed exceptionally powerful, yes I can see that being a concern. Are they being protected?”
    I gave him a look and he held up his hand. “Just asking. I’m assuming they are under this roof? As you know, there are many different creatures milling about. Not all have your best interest at hand.”
    My spine straightened. No, I had not been aware, but I had suspected.
    “What do you think we should do?”
    “I cannot give you advice until I see them for myself.”
    I’d already told him, so I might as well go all in. “Fine. I must warn you, I don’t know how they will react when they see you. When I said they are powerful I wasn’t joking. So far they haven’t come across anyone they didn’t trust, but I have no idea how they will take a demon.”
    He gave a slight inclination of his head.
    “And if you harm them, even in self-preservation, I will kill you myself.”
    His eyes actually twinkled. “Duly noted.”
    I rose to my feet and he followed, keeping a respectful distance. As we made our way into the basement, I realized the rest of the castle was surprisingly quiet. Everyone must have retired to their rooms.
    “The room is shielded,” Demitrious noted as we entered. I’d forgotten about Lila’s shield.
    “No need to drop it. I was just making an observation.”
    I looked at him, stunned. This was one powerful demon if he could get through a spelled room without any trouble. He shouldn’t be seeing the halflings across the room, but his expression told me he clearly was.
    I walked forward and he followed, not even pausing to get through the shield. Suddenly, I was a little afraid of this man.
    The halflings must have sensed this because they all snapped their heads up and narrowed their eyes. But as soon as they focused in on the demon they relaxed. Great, like my mother they were enchanted by this beast of a man. Why did everyone trust him so easily? There was danger in that alone.
    He lifted a hand and waved. They hopped over the gate that was keeping them confined in the large room while Henrek worked. I was impressed with their natural abilities. I think even I’d have trouble scaling that gate.
    The one named after my father actually dove into the demon’s arms. I stood there with my mouth hitting the floor. He laughed. The. Demon. Laughed. I pinched the bridge of my nose, and shook my head.
    The children appeared to be closer to five years old or so, if I had to guess. I wasn’t very good with the ages in human terms.
    It took me a moment to realize the halflings were conversing with Demitrious though their minds, but what bothered me the most was I had no idea what they were saying. They were talking in Demitrious’ native tongue. My offspring spoke demon. Just when I thought things couldn’t get any stranger.
    Demitrious set the little guy down and turned toward me. “You must keep them hidden. They are far too powerful, every creature in this land will make it their mission to destroy them.”
    “But why? We’re powerful and they know better than to attempt to mess with us.”
    “You’re not seeing the big picture. The creatures never wanted to merge with humans, they wanted to clear the planet and take it over for themselves. You may think they are helping your mother, but they are just biding their time to take over for good.”
    I gasped. “That can’t be true. Mother would never allow them under our roof if it were so.”
    “Your mother is a very intelligent woman. She knows you keep your enemies closer.”
    “But even she wanted to tell the others about them.”
    “If she had sought out my guidance she would have known that

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